Much of what they have done in Italy was necessary but closing the schools in many peoples opinions including me and my better half is counter productive. Parents ARE aware that Grandparents are at greater risk so are NOT leaving kids there. Instead, many parents have formed groups where they take turns to look after 5 or 6 kids and so only miss one day at work out of 5 or 6. unfortunately that means the kids and adults are mixing even more than if they were at school. Of course with all the legislation and safety checks you need in the UK to look after someone else kids, even if it is not for money, makes that scenario impossible. Italy, though, is more relaxed on things like that.
This potential breakthrough in Israel. not confirmed by them yet, and they mentioned even if they have it would take best part of a year to get anywhere near public use.
Quite a few articles, can't find the exact one I read yesterday but this one is along the same line.
Very interesting exchange of views between Professor Ashton and Govenment Minister Steve Barclay on last nights edition of Question Time. Prof Ashton claimed that valuable time was lost before certain restrictions were imposed. Not surprisingly Barclay did not agree.
How big are your streets? There’s 1600+ kids at my school, plus over 300 staff plus a special school on site which has another few hundred (immunocompromised) kids and staff. Also, I thought the popular complaint these days was that kids don’t play outside anymore and just sit on their phones.
I presume so as I’m salaried and sick pay is 6 months full pay, 6 months half anyway. We’re paid on snow days as we’re ready and able to work but they make the decision to close.
Thats good as this is nobody's fault. Im not entitiled to a bean as I work in the private sector and likely to be laid off pretty soon
That's just daft imo. Can't criticise the teachers and other staff at all but it shows just how much money is wasted by schools and local authorities
Merkel has said she expects 70-80% of people too get it, which is about the number needed for herd immunity. The question is do you let 80% get it now? Or do you suppress it only for it to come back again? Either way until there is a vaccine, we’re in for a rocky ride. It seems where the health service gets overwhelmed like in Italy it is when localised cases get out of hand. It seems the key is to flatten that spike and also support local hospitals where spikes occur.
We are the only country actively pushing towards ‘herd immunity’. Do you know why? Because it’s ******* stupid and it will kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Herd Immunity is the result of immunisations, not allowing (even hoping for...) 40 million people to contract a disease that we still don’t know basically anything about. Everything the UK government is currently doing goes directly against the advice given by the WHO. It’s all well and good saying that we’re ‘listening to scientists and experts’ but let’s not forget that we’re only listening to the very specific few experts and scientists that are appointed by the government.
The snow day pay was what I meant really. It seems economical madness to locate the schools, pay the teachers to stay at home and then have parents have to pay (one way or another) to keep the kids at home. Why not say if you can't get in that's your problem (as with most other jobs) and if you can get in then you get paid and the school will operate as a kind of child minding business for the day? Would save a fortune to the economy. On the general sick pay situation I have always believed that 6 months is far to long and just encourages people to take the piss. It should be six months in exceptional circumstances that are clearly defined because if not what is there to stop people playing on it? I actually know several people who have played on it to take full advantage because it's "what they're entitled to". Perhaps I just know and have experience of some really shitty people?