At the moment if they have been putting tax returns in they will get SSP. There are lots out there that never put a return in and just pocket the cash, it will be interesting to see what happens to them. On one hand I think tough as most people try to do things the right way on the other the human side of me says they can’t go hungry.
I think the only way, and I may be wildly off the mark here, is to pay every self employed worker a fixed amount. I know there will be winners and losers as those on high SE incomes will struggle on a lower payment if their outgoings match their incomes whilst those on low incomes will be better off . Nevertheless the administrative costs of what would effectively be a means tested system if they tried to tailor payments to individual earnoings would be astronomical. Furthermore, allowing all SE/hourly paid people to simply declare income without any checks would mean, unfortunately, fraud would be rife. Most people are honest but IMO there would be sufficient numbers who would take advantage of the system at taxpayers expense. The flip side are those who declare very low wages put pay themselves dividends and various other (legal) tax dodges to avoid income tax.
I work in within that industry and this was a genuine question from a neighbour over the fence asking me about SSP, they then proceeding to ask what do they do to claim wages when they only put £800 a month through the books...
There are lots and lots of people who use this tactic - shell company with one employee (themselves) on minimum wage, and then take the rest as dividends so they only pay capital gains tax. If the system the chancellor announces is based on paying back an average of what you earned per month last year, there is going to be a lot of self employed people being paid minimum wage.
You mean like the parents turning up at school this morning trying to argue that their kids need a place because they are essential staff because they work at KFC?
Boris is addressing the Nation at 8-30pm tonight on ITV. Is the Government preparing to move from advising to instructing I wonder.?
Yes, almost certainly I would imagine. Certainly for London. Rest of country, all non essential stores to close - that's my guess.
Makes sense especially as a lot of people are not taking it seriously. Saw a photograph taken in Bournemouth yesterday. Literally hundreds out on the promenades. They are under a misplaced notion that because the sun was out, the virus could not survive and they were perfectly safe. I honestly can't believe how stupid some people can be.
He who hesitates, is lost. History will judge nearly all the world leaders as failing their people for allowing countries and borders to stay open at the beginning of this. Now they've dug their people a hole which they will struggle to climb out of, at least economically. They were too worried about keeping 'business as usual', and now there will be no business. A country previously in austerity for 10 years, recently on the brink of recession, and now facing a severe economic downturn with a horribly underfunded NHS. The Tories will never be forgiven for this.
Should have done what the Taiwanese South Koreans and Singaporeans have done - ramped up testing and tracing and forceably quarantining those exposed its under control in those countries - even though South Korea got off to a bad start due to a religious cult spreading it very badly Now we have to do what the Italians have done - it looks like it might be just starting to work there but too early to be sure The longer we faff around the worse its going to be
Hear Hear . People without proper leadership heading for the seaside and we’re told they are to blame because they didn’t listen to the prime minister ? It’s the prime ministers job to make us listen and he could have stopped this with one act , He’s dithers on his with even his own backbenchers calling for govt action . In two weeks time I’m hoping this chancer and his Commie sidekick are kicked out of politics , The sad thing is a lot of people will have died or suffered badly because of this dithering .
I'm a supermarket mgr in a rural area, very near the largest reservoir in the UK. It's also a huge country park, over the weekend and today I've been packed, the car park has been packed with motorhomes and caravans. My parents in law are self isolating as they are over 70 and not in great health, they live near the Norfolk coast, the road to the coast has been jammed. I'm ashamed to be of the same species as these morons, it's one big holiday and have no doubt lockdown is coming. Bring on a bit of martial law, a cull of the brain-dead idiots is due.
In fairness to Boris (and no I don't like him) his expert advisors did tell him to ride it out. He's in an unwinnable position but oddly one which he can't lose with too
And the leader of the opposition 70 years old refuses to self isolate even though over 65s have been told to....
No he’s not , he’s had previous experience of what’s to come .China Italy Spain , he’s chosen this path and it’s his fault . Scientists have been telling him and he’s ignored them . What’s happening now was predicted and he dithered . There’s no excuse he’s tried to balance the economy with peoples lives and he’s lost both . We needed strong leadership and what is happening now was predicted weeks ago it hadn’t just crept up on us . Scientists , opposition leaders, journalists all telling him we need lockdown and he’s still not done it , Half measures are no good he should have done the right thing what he’s predicted to announce tonigh weeks ago . No leadership qualities I’m afraid, this is when you neede md the Churchill’s of this world snd we’re stuck with a half wit chancer .
Not bothered what he’s done he’s not our leader so not interested shag he’s done . You be political if you want I want the leader of my country to lead and he hasn’t .