Read the detail, or call the helpline if you like. I'm stating the truth. How do you pay back a 10k loan with no income anyway?
Ok ,just put your head back up your arse seems that's where it’s been last ten years , Jeremy Hunts in record delivering cuts for Cameron’s austerity programme, But you know this .
I've got no reason to doubt you. As I said before I was trying to help, if the info was of no use to you that’s fair enough.
The height of irony. Sky news interviewing people in pubs saying “yeah, I think it’s the right decision to close pubs. They are very dangerous to everyone”
My point is, as much as i hate the Tories, this is only going to work for the economy as a whole if everyone is looked after. Quantitive easing (printing money) is only a prblem if you have high inflation. There is no chance of that. Give all workers a basic income they can live on & they will observe the isolation ethic. If not a lot more people will die, as people will be forced to work, even if they are sick. It makes a mockery of the whole thing.
I’m not winding you up Marlon but if you think that the government is not doing enough then say what’s missing. Can you also say how labour would do things differently?
I have , all you did was deny without posting alternatives , you just come out with one liners without any details. Labours alternative is in the manifesto , go read don’t wait for me to post it for you it’s easy enough . If you don’t think the Torys have neglected and cut the NHS last ten years then I’ve nothing else to say it’s obvious to everyone and they don’t deny it so go figure .
Have you read my posts mate? They are not made from a party political perspective. I'm a self employed businessman who has never claimed a benefit in his life. I don't share your ideology admittedly, but surely you can see the holes in all this. 5 million hard working people left on the scrap heap. People that keep the free market economy alive.
My reply to Jay was related to his previous posts where he expressed his desire for the government to do nothing, let the virus run it’s course, despite admitting that he thought it could kill up to half a million people. I disagree with that strategy. As does the most recent scientific evidence. The most effective strategy, according to the scientific models, is a long term suppression strategy. Likely to be 6 months, spread out on and off over the next 12 months.
Well, you will celebrate the memory of your Nan in whatever way you are able in these difficult times. I am sure she wouldn't want to be putting any of the rest of the family and friends in harm's way. You will lay her to rest and pay your respects.
My Grandma always says, "Bury me in a cardboard box in backyard for all I care". That's just it Grandma. "I do care".
Please understand that I'm not trying to be a tw*t, to pick a fight or be facetious in asking this - in my time on the bbs you're one of the people whose opinion I most respect, can you please explain what you mean and what your view on the matter as a whole is?
Think you need to calm down a little. Panicking helps nobody. Yes it’s very serious, I know this. Perhaps the PM should’ve shut the pubs etc midweek to stop folk going on a Friday night bender instead? Just a thought....
My view is this: Whatever we do, be that nothing, be that limiting social interaction, or complete lock down, exactly the same amount of people are going to contract the virus. The time frame in which this happens will vary, but the numbers will not. By slowing down the rate of infection we may limit those who die from covid-19. May. And we might reduce it from half a million to 400,000. If we're particularly good at it. We'll do this by limiting the stress on the NHS. But the stress on the NHS will exceed capacity whatever we do. It's just the amount we limit it by. We can treat so many people at once, and by slowing it down we might get some more into ICU than we would if we had it all at once. By some, I'm talking about a hundred thousand or so. Huge numbers, until we start talking about he reality of what is happening. And if it's your grandma, or your dad, that is enormous. We've just consigned millions to die and the end of life as we all know it. We're going to lock down society. Pubs and clubs today, but effectively house arrest in a week or so. The half a million who would die from covid-19 are still going to die. And some of the ones who aren't are going to start to be hungry. Depending on how well the government have worked out the hand outs will depend on who that is. It won't necessarily be the poorest in society as they may have covered these. It might be middle income families. Whoever it is, society is dead. From today. The estimates you're getting of how long this is all going to last is just nonsense. We will not see such small rates of infection we have today for over 12 months. 12 months, in solitary, hungry and cold. It's over. We had a chance to stop it, but we chose not to. Or it may not get to that, because they'll just shoot you in the street. Either way, you're not getting out.