I know they are getting on, but it's so sad to see. Makes it worse when you put YouTube on and can see any of them in their heyday.
He nicks my FB gags on a regular basis. I'm 50 next year and it's on my bucket list to do stand up. Coming in 2023 is Gary Aardvark.
He works at Shaw Lane. The other day I asked him to come and meet some of the kids on our mental health project, as one of them loves telling one liner jokes. Dave came in and he and this lad were just bouncing jokes back and forward. Was just a really funny situation. Think it made the lads day - and i think Dave got a couple of belters for his routine.
Doesn't matter one jot does it. I left the town in 1970 but it's still where I come from and I call it my home town. It doesn't matter how far you travel away from your roots - they're still there.
Only just got round to reading this Telegraph article. Very enjoyable and it's amazing that this meeting of the three was the first time at Shaw Lane for sixty years. Really enjoyed the Parky interview with Boycott from 1977 as well. All good stuff and I really don't get the sneering that goes on from some people about all three of them. They grew up and made good lives for themselves. What's wrong with that?