He looked good in his lay offs today. Which have hitherto been of a Winnall standard. Which were crap. We need someone to feed off Moore. Bradshaw should be plugged in. But anticipation is not his virtue.
Certainly not me. I had so many concerns about our midfield. I'd don't even begin to understand the Potts love-in. I'm not blind, I can see he that he's big and strong and looks good driving forward with the ball. But I also see the huge limitations in the rest of his game. All the rest of his game. Moncur has great skill, but he can't tackle, his commitment is questionable at best, his fitness even worse (although to give him credit he looks leaner this season). He needs a team building around him to get the best out of him, but I don't think he's good enough to warrant us doing that. Far too often he flatters to deceive, running effortlessly in possession with a great touch but then failing to play the killer ball or hit an accurate shot. The team that tried that approach were relegated from this division at the second attempt after just missing out the year before. I'm not even sure what type of midfield player McGeehan is, limited by the looks of it, Bird is just a kid and Mowatt was a passenger in the games he played prior to being loaned out. On Tuesday, the team played pretty well, but our midfield were easily by-passed when WBA were in possession and offered the defence little protection. However, Mowatt looked OK. Some good touches, some decent passing, he just looked like he needed a good player alongside him. On Saturday it looked like he'd got one and I thought the pair of them were excellent, both individually and as a partnership. It's very early days, they've only played one friendly game together, they've only trained together once, but the potential certainly looked to be there yesterday. Last week, I thought we were into negative potential as far as our midfield was concerned - just not good enough. But Mowatt's upped his game and it looks like we've signed the type of player that we really should have got 12 months ago. Let's hope it works.
Agree with everything bar the Potts bit. He creates more than any other player in the final third, other than Moore.