For goodness sake, don’t say that to the xenophobes & little englanders. I’ve got a motto for us - “half time draw, 1.12 euros a go”
I reckon this backstop malarkey is just an excuse for politicians to use it as a big stick to whack the government over the head . They should be ashamed of themselves, some are even going against their constituents wishes which is Heresy in my book .
They will be for people wanting to spend more than 90 days in the EU in any 180 day period. People like me, for example.
Pompey, they lied & then lied again - Boris still sticks with his bus slogan! The thing that amuses me is that, when we call for a 2nd vote of the Leave campaign lied, the reply is that “Remain” lied as well as though this balances it all out. For me, it adds to the argument for a 2nd vote!
The wishes of the constituents are expressed only at elections and by-elections. It is the MPs job to do what is best for their constituents and the country *irrespective* of the wishes of their constituents - obviously they can take them into account, but that is all. Many things have been passed by governments that would have been unpopular with the electorate at the time but have proven to be a good thing - removing the death sentence for a start - or done with full support at the time but later proved to be bad - invading Iraq for example. The backstop (which was the UKs idea) is the only way to keep the GFA with Mrs Mays red lines. It is entirely what the UK government wanted (and got with some major EU concessions) and now they don't want it.
Yes sorry - I was meaning there would be no big issue for those wanting to go for a one or two week vacation - which is all that is in the minds of many of the leave voters. I was much more concened personally with the work visa side - but there are many people who will need some form of residence visa - no idea how they work but clearly its going to be at best a lot of hassle at worst you might find you cant do it anymore Still at least you will have a blue passport and Im going to get a pet unicorn
Just a thought ..... Should a 3 month extension be voted for and all parties agree then we will be made to vote in the EU elections . I believe only the UK government can deny that vote but I'd be surprised if even 1 MP would vote against . That's your referendum right there......
All politicians tend to lie. I wish that people on here would post from a "reasonable man" point of view, rather than selling their own. I don't care who wins the Brexit argument. I do however read so much unreasonable rubbish from both sides that it makes me despair for the fabric of the whole country.
I agree! Politicians should be held accountable for what they say, criminally if need be. Obviously I voted to Remain & was appalled at the stuff said by the media & the self-serving politicians (I honestly believe mainly on the Leave side, though I can accept a certain bias) - now we find that electoral rules were broken & a re-run would have had to take place, had the result been binding. As it was advisory, it doesn’t have to occur. We really are living in La La Land now! People sticking their fingers in their ears & singing la la la la la! I know remainders said the economy would crash after the vote & it didn’t (the exchange rate is worse than 2.5 years ago) - companies are upping sticks & all we can chant is Its not cos of Brexit! Even when companies say it is, we refuse to believe their fake news. I’ve heard so many people say Get Farage/Boris/Trump in to sort it out. I truly despair & believe a No Deal would be catastrophic (Maybots Deal is shambolic)
My point of view is that people voted, a very small margin voted for out. However the subject is so divisive that both leaving or staying are out of the question. The reason being is that whatever happens, the other side wants it to fail. If we leave, we’ve had people on here saying they’d laugh if the countries economy crashed... because then they would have been right. We’ve also had people saying that if we end up remaining, that there will be an uprising and a forcing through of their way. This is why we are where we are, with infighting, bickering and general stupidity. We are blinded by our own blinkered beliefs. Neither side has the country in their best interests at the moment, they have their egos and ideals. Too many people want to scupper the other, so we can only sink.
Well on that point SB we are firmly in agreement although if Ocasio Cortez etc keep giving Fox etc the fuel to portray parts of the Democratic party as Socialist verging on Communist then Trump is always in with a chance.[/QUOTE] She’s the best thing to have happened to the democrats in years.
That's a post right up my street. And what's more, I think there are loads more who reckon that it's not the end of the world one way or the other, so let's be reasonable and try and split things as best we can down the middle. That's what being British is all about.
A mate who works on one of the papers was in Spain doing one of those Brit’s who voted leave pieces. He said they still seemed genuinely surprised that ending FOM will also apply to them. One woman crying and saying she felt unwanted in the place she calls home whilst confirming she voted leave. Sadly ironic comic gold.
She’s the best thing to have happened to the democrats in years.[/QUOTE] I'm not saying she's not a good thing or doesn't have good policies. But America is not ready to vote for what's perceived as a Socialist party. I'd be happy enough for them to get there in baby steps but for now scaring off the moderates would leave us with four more unthinkable years of this monster. And I say "us" because we're all affected by what goes on in the US. Unfortunately.
I have friends over here who voted to leave..... turkeys voting for Xmas..... Last time I was back in Barnsley I was talking to a bloke in a pub who said he was glad that leave had won because it would mean no more Indians and Pakistanis in England..... It has been mentioned that folks had no clue what they were actually voting for and these examples just highlight that.