Elgin bought the marbles from the government of Greece of the day (admittedly the Ottoman Empire) didn’t he? At the time the local Greeks were stripping the marble off the temples to ground it to make mortar. Can we have the Bayeux tapestry back (made in England)?
Just been on the phone to Boris... His message for the Europeans We are great Britain... We do what we want.. We are Great Britain we do what we want..... Make of it what you want......
And todays foundation laying - Number 10 saying the EU have moved the goalposts - they havent and in fact Boris already signed up to the foundations of level playing field etc lifted from another reply to the number 10 tweet Mujtaba Rahman @Mij_Europe Senior EU official just told me that: "this is disingenuous and in bad faith. They should re-read the paragraphs of the EUCO guidelines from April 2017, March 2018; the U.K. also signed up to LPF in the Political Declaration." There you have it. This straight from the top
Fishing is a ridiculously small part of the UK economy - even in fishing areas. It is one of the most dangerous jobs in the UK (5x the death rate of the most dangerous on land), that pays poorly for the hours at sea and is not sustainable in the levels needed to make fishing ports thrive. It would be better to scrap the entire fishing fleet, ban fishing in UK waters completely and invest in tourism and new technology in the fishing areas. Better jobs, more money and better for the ecosystem.
In October of 2017 Michel Barnier said " Britain must choose from a range of existing off-the-peg models for its relationship to the European Union when it leaves the bloc, Brussels’ chief negotiator Michel Barnier has told a group of newspapers. He said a bespoke deal could only be negotiated after an orderly departure. Barnier, who is leading the EU’s negotiations with Britain after last year’s Brexit vote, told Handelsblatt that while it was in both sides’ interest to maintain a close relationship, the range of possible relationships was limited. “The only way to do it without difficulties is by staying within the internal market. That would be the Norway model, but the British government rejects it,” he said. “Another option would be a free trade agreement like the CETA-deal with Canada.”