I think everyone accepts it now, that doesn't mean we can't take the piss or be unhappy about it. I didn't want us to leave but accept that is what is happening.
I think it's more laughing at people celebrating as if they've "won" something. Suppose they did win a big victory for xenophobia so there is that at least...
It is good to see that we are celebrating Brexit in the same way the UK celebrated winning WW1.... although Coronavirus isn't yet as deadly as Spanish Flu was.
This. I'm not going to march in the street or push nigel Farage into the channel. Doesn't mean I can't think people that are celebrating are childish and silly, or make jokes.
Bloody hell m8, top post that tbh, no calling the ones who voted out racists, little englanders, thick, morons, fair play to you
We were already sovereign. Scotland aren’t, that’s why they need permission from Westminster to have another referendum.
No we weren't, whilst ever eu law trumped uk law we weren't in full authority of our own affairs, therefore we weren't sovereign.
The most intelligent Brexiteer on here can't even work out two per cent of a number whilst in possession of a calculator. God help the rest of them.
Morley MP Andrea Jenkins singing " in England's Green and Pleasant land" on Calendar just now was totally embarrassing. I wonder what will happen in future if Brexit is a total disaster for the UK and they have to go back cap in hand asking if we can rejoin the EU.