Disgraceful, no different to Bullfighting. She should be ashamed of herself. Basically she's so sure she is going to win that she's now taking the piss.
'If I lose just six seats I will lose this election' - Theresa just posted this on facebook and twitter. Seems a daft thing to point out to me, I thought her whole propoganda campaign was based on a Tory win being inevitable, it seems like she's starting to panic. https://www.facebook.com/TheresaMayOfficial/posts/1737355726281193
Its not something ive paid much attetion to for a few years personally but i can understand and to an extent agree with arguements in terms of savageness jobs etc. Fox hunting whenever discussed automatically sterotypes towards the so called elite in society. Theres very little mention of the working class families that work the land, manage the stables etc. People who overnight lost their lively hoods or no mention of the animals that no longer had a use and put down. The fox hunting ban brought in by Bliar smacked of being ill thought out and an attack on those who the government at tje time saw as the elite. If i recall correctly even blair subsequently had regrets over the ban. Even with the ban it was easy to circumvent. Hunting with birds, using dogs to chase prey towards to hunters be it with birds or guns. Or even hunting along pre determined and scented trails. These made the Act almost invalid in certain cases as it allowed life to carry on as normal. The 'hunts' that did carry on were heavily scrutinised by the Rspca and had in attendence hunt sabotures many of whom came equiped with the tools for violence. More than one bloke paid **** all for mucking out has felt the wrath of such people. Its not Timmy Toff who gets the brunt of these protestors but folk trying to make a living. Talking of the rspca. They raked up 1000s in costs having the overwhelming majority of their cases brought slung out. Not because Timmy Toff had a word with the beak but because tje evidence supplied either didnt exist or was flimsy and unreliable. There has been several schools of thought regarding the impact on the ban on the fox popualtion. The general concenus is that the popualtion has grown significantlywhich in turn has affected the local food supply for them hemce the increase in urban foxes bin raiding. The hunts in the grand scheme of things never caught that many foxes only the weak and ill creatures therefore keeping a status quo on numbers. Farmers just shoot them now on sight. And if you want to debate about the cruelty of the hunt. Theres alot that happens in the meat industry on a regular basis. Remeber that next time you tuck into your kebab or burger.
Why not bring back Bear baiting and **** fighting as well. Time we moved on fox hunting was banned and bringing it back is not progress in a civilised society
Far better way than culling the fox population than shooting, which will more than often, leave the fox to a slow death. A hound will nip the neck of the fox and kill it instantly.
I don't think you know what you are talking about "A hound will nip the neck of a fox and kill it instantly' rubbish. just a tory get out. It takes a good dog to kill a fox after a fight that may last minutes. I keep hen's on my ranch and 2 years ago I got wiped out with the fox it killed every hen about 30 it took around 10,(my fault I left the bob hoyle open) I knew it would come back for the rest so I rigged the bob hoyle so it would come down if anything went in and the next morning, sure enough, I had the ******* not having a gun to shoot him I knew a hunting man who had 2 foxing dogs he came we put 1 in there was blood flying all over mi hen hut and no sign of the dog killing it so we put the other one in they then killed it but it was barbaric and it took minutes. I had to kill it because it would never have been away as in another pen I had mi show birds and I would have restocked.
They can do the hunt thing with trails, no need to involve a fox, they still do them up here in High Hoyland.
What next bull and bear baiting, **** fighting, hare coursing and dog fighting? Why not bring back Gladiatorial Combat and satisfy the blood lust?