I’m just trying to understand your argument Bud to see if I can see its merit. Are you now saying it’s okay to be born in S Yorks (Barnsley) and support say, Wednesday or Rotherham. But it’s not ok to support Rangers, Leeds, Man Utd, Arsenal for example? Just trying to understand what you’re saying.
A lot of people around my age started watching Scottish clubs around the time of the English ban from European football in 1985. Maybe that’s one explanation? Or the fact that they have Scottish ancestry?
Unless there's a strong reason/connection I'll never see why people take up following Rangers or Celtic. What's the point? They win virtually every week. It has to get to the point where it's boring unless all you're interested in is bragging rights. Where's the thrill of achieving anything when you win about 50% of the league titles? Theyre both 20 odd points clear of third place again this season. I guess years of seeing Barnsley battle and occasionally achieve against the odds have instilled a feeling that sporting achievements should be precious and earned and all the sweeter for it. When I moved to Ireland Cork City were the closest team to me, albeit two hours away. I went to watch them and it occurred to me to make them my team to follow over here but I couldn't do it because they were, at the time, one of the dominant two teams in the league. Each to their own I guess but I'll never understand folk from hundreds of miles away supporting Celtic, Rangers, Man U, Chelsea etc.
I think the vast majority of Rangers and Celtic fans in Barnsley have Scottish ancestry. Wouldn't call many of them supporters because there'll only be a handful actually go to watch them on a regular basis.. in fact more of them probably watch Barnsley (not courting next season). Man U, Leeds and Wednesday supporters are more of a problem.
Ha Ha Pointless mate I would give him absolute dogs abuse during his first game which would result in me being banned for the season
I like Celtic because I have family who are massive hoops. And I've been a few times. Plus tarn have had plenty of players from them
Some of my family are massive hoops too. That's one of the things I call them. None of them support Celtic though.