The old he’s this tall and over there suggests he is either mocking or taking the piss out of Bulgaria’s finest.
Why did ITV get that idiot Greg Clarke on for a interview? The guy who as part of the FA fined Millwall just ten thousand pounds for racism, but fined Huddersfield Town fifty thousand pounds for wearing a sponsor that was too big in a friendly that raised thirty thousand pounds for charity. Our FA is full of old dinosaurs from an era more tolerant to the events that went on tonight and of people who haven't played the game themselves at a professional level. We should be getting more ex players involved instead of them being signed up in the media to be a pundit.
Absolute disgrace, I know we've got our own issues over here but Christ it's nothing like these eastern European countries serve up. Enjoyed listening to Ian Wright onnthe subject. I thought Clarke was a shower of ***** saying that UEFA take racism seriously. He knows full well they don't want to tackle it! It's about time our big wigs challenged UEFA and really backed them into a corner over it. If racism is heard in the stadium, regardless of Who only is then theu should be disqualified from the qualifiers or the competition, instantly. Pull both sides off, review it, give the innocent the victory and disqualify the side with the knuckle dragging Muppets. It's the only way this will stop. It's gone on for too long.
Ah, not like the tolerant wonderland of this forum where we talk about ‘negroes’ and the good old days of blacking up.
This is why I despise the international break if it’s not England fans it’s Europeans giving it the old natzi salutes. Even when I after have England on in the house it’s muted I can’t stand the commentators. But tonight looking at the videos was on a level disgusting. Although I agree they should get banned but England need to sort the own crowd issues out aswell.
The problem isn't being taken seriously when the Bulgarian boss is speaking like that in amongst his smirks and laughs.
Just got back home now. That was the most intimidating football match I’ve ever been to, leaving the ground was constantly looking over my shoulder until I got into the hotel room. I will never go to Bulgaria away again. regarding the racism I didn’t hear anything in the ground, just sounded like booing if I’m honest. Obviously it has happened but whats concerning is the culprits were easily identifiable, they didn’t get removed they left on their own accord to wait outside for us lot. In fairness to the police they did a tremendous job to keep us safe, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience at all. Sofia, never again....
Yeah I agree. but the police didn’t arrest them, you could see them lurking around outside the stadium after. it’s a shambles, but it seems that they cannot see what the problem is. When their manager is laughing about it with his translator in the post match interview. And he is seen saying they’ve never had this problem before England. And he claims it was our fans being offensive for calling them racist ********. You can see why they’re abit backwards, he’s suppose to be a role model to the supporters. each and every single one of those fans should be getting a nock on door from the old bill today.
Surprised they didn't get locked up, over here you do that you'd feel the wrath of the old bill almost straight away.
Glad you made it back okay and unscathed. For me the interviewer could have taken a much more direct, hardline approach to the answer 'we haven't had these problems until we played England' and asked the question: do you think that is due to the fact that out of all the teams you have played so far (Montenegro, Czech Republic, Kosovo, and England), apart from one unused Czech substitute, only Englad has fielded players of black origin, and as a result your contingent of 'fans', as a white majority, when visually confronted by those players, have felt the need to racially abuse and intimidate them? They should have got Ian Wright on press duties.