They don't seem too bothered about him going, inconsistent by all accounts and that's at a lower level.
Absolutely nailed it. Can you join the Board, please? Which would be totally ludicrous in footballing ambition terms. We need to add not replace. We need to add Championship standard not let go one of the three or four (max) that we have that are that level at their best. Whiteman WITH Mowatt is a positive, Whiteman instead of Mowatt is just about the last straw in self-inflicted playing strength dismantling for me (after 40 years).
It's not that I disagree with you guys on Woodrow but you need to realise the situation. He's an asset with 2 years left, sell now for decent money or risk his form staying bad and having to sell in last year of contract for pennies by comparison. He doesn't guarantee staying up so they will sell him. Mowatt is getting sold as he's refusing to sign a new contract, been clear all season which is why we took extension so we could sell him. Both players are worth much more then they will be in league one. As long as we buy replacements who are decent, I'll accept it
Both players are worth more to us in footballing terms than we will get in fees, end Of. We wouldn't get equivalent replacements, we never do, if they even deign to try, end Of. This is a football club, of which the Board's role is supposed to be to improve the team (product) - I have stumped up a significant part of my meagre wealth to help them do that - I expect them to reciprocate and start to build. I want to support my football team, not be a shareholder in the sporting equivalent of a cheapo Cash and Carry.
But they haven't have they we are still waiting for Moore's replacement. The cost of relegation is at least 6 million the price we are looking for Woodrow and Mowatt is 5 million so if we sell and go down the difference is Minus 1 million but if we keep them and stay up but then they leave for free the difference is plus 1 million so in a football and financial sense it doesn't make sense to just let them go for the amounts reported on here Id want at least 10 million before Id even consider risking selling them.
I suspect that 6 million isn't true anymore this season due to TV rights being different but yes I agree. The board clearly doesn't, I'm simply explaining that our fans ignore the facts and act shocked when we sell these players.
I wouldn't say shocked I'd say pissed off but while ever the 80% mob are here it will happen and the fact they haven't even stumped up the cash to pay for the club yet but are still making these crass decisions just makes it worse.
We actually turned a bid down? Goodness me, maybe the tide has turned with the board and the knack of selling our players at prices other clubs would turn their noses up at has gone. Still the board always reinvest incoming monies like those for Jacob Brown and Struber into the club...Oh I forgot they haven't yet!
It’s all well & good flogging Mowatt & Woodrow while we can still get a half decent transfer value but who’s going to replace them? Especially Mowatt. How many of our signings in recent times have hit the ground running? Solbauer from his second game onwards & Ludewig post lockdown but must of them have taken 3 or 4 months or longer or in some cases still haven’t shown anything. If that Whiteman signs I’ve no doubt he’s a good player but will it show straight away? Is he really going to be able to replace Mowatt like for like? I think we’re leaving our business too late. We’ll finish above Wycombe but at this time I’d fancy we’ll organised settled sides like Coventry & Rotherham to finish above us.
We're all a bit gobsmacked that we've signed a player. Still need picking up off the floor if I'm honest
Now, I have an asset... reluctantly I need to part with it. I’ve had it quite a while now, but it’s still very new with years of use left in it. it’s a £10 note. Who’d like it for 50p? Hmm, maybe that’s a bit steep, ok done for 20p. And this is the fundamental issue. If we don’t get value, we can’t move forward. We’re lucky to stand still and the likelihood is we’ll probably move backwards. I’ve always expected to lose our 3 best players this window. If we lose them all for less than £7m then we’ve been done over like never before and we’ve then got to find 3 to replace them for less, seeing as the squad has been utterly butchered from seasons end. Last year we bought way too many, this year we’re selling or releasing even more. This club is beyond crazy. I think Conways initial statement at the presser introducing themselves was truncated. “we aren’t going to do anything crazy.’ He forgot to say... it will be much much worse.
Your example is flawed as a £10 notes value can't fluctuate. Your £10 note is worth the same now as it was when you obtained it. If we're comparing that to Cauley Woodrow, who we signed for a rumoured fee of around half a million "if I remember right", and we're rumoured to be wanting £2.5m for (which I don't believe), then your £10 note would now be worth £50.
I agree, I was just pointing out why DWLC's example didn't work. I know the board has a bit of form for it, but I hope they have indeed learned from their mistakes, and won't sell either Mowatt or Woodrow without a replacement lined up. I honestly don't believe there's much interest in either. Despite the 'rumours' flying around, it has been much quieter on the transfer front than usual.
you could sell it to someone or gift it free and the other party would have its full use and value. It’s no different to the constant underselling of our best players. there is always an excuse which too many people swallow.
Money in itself is worth nothing. It's what you can potentially buy with it that makes it worth sonething.
How long has it been since a centre forward who scored 15 goals at championship level the previous season, and with plenty of time left on his contract, was sold for less than £3million? I don’t know, somebody will. But I’d hazard a guess it’s at least several years. The Covid argument doesn’t wash either. Other clubs are still asking for and paying reasonable fees. Donny have apparently turned down bids up to £2million for a midfielder who’s never kicked a ball above league one level. £2.5million for Woodrow is chicken feed. That same fee reinvested wouldn’t get us anything like as good a player - and they wouldn’t spend that on a forward anyway. Mowatt is different. I’d like him to stay but if he’s not signing a new deal, and there’s money on offer, I can see why they’d take it. There needs to be a replacement lined up though. It is concerning that we appear to be losing more players than we are linked with - we needed to add, not replace. Brittain for Ludewig, Whiteman (if we’re lucky) for Mowatt, possibly losing Woodrow. Already lost Ritzmaier (no great shakes but he needs replacing). We never replaced Moore, we haven’t replaced Brown. We haven’t got a fit left back, though Oduor could do a job out there. The squad is paper thin and we are allegedly cashing in on the two best (or at least highest renowned) assets. I despair.