And that’s relevant in what way. Shall we take 2 off Mowatt. 1 for a pen and 1 free kick. Maybe only count headers.
My criticism of him isn't his performances throughout the season, it's just that he was ******* awful very 180 minutes this week and appeared to be going through the motions
Still have to put them away. Look at what happens when we get a penalty and he isn’t on the pitch. Hint: Dike missed and Mowatt was quite lucky to score. Also, Toney has got what 32 this season but 10 have been from the spot so is it really 22 according to you?
Woodrow was sadly awful today. Whether a beautiful strike to keep us alive was enough to forgive his awfulness is a matter of debate. I suppose its a get out of jail card.
Ayew did next to nothing today was that because he was awful or we kept him quiet? Ayew is class because of the one or two things he does in a match .
Fair point. Woodrow did in the second leg what Ayew did in the first. Woodrow was however otherwise well mediocre, and we don't rely on an overpaid superstar to pop up at some time or other to do their bit. We're a team.
He was the first player Steve Cooper went to and held a prolonged conversation with . Woodrow has been frustrated in a few games but he’s the one you think something may happen when he’s on the ball .
Well you think he might lose it when he's given it. I'd rather Morris had it than Woodrow. Neither of them suit a scurry forward style of play. Both can play football if given the chance.
Woodrow scored ? And unfortunately we have to play with what we can afford and I think we’ve done exceptionally well this season . Maybe a multi million pound team have just scraped by this evening with wages ten or twelve times ours but we were rubbish isn’t what I’m thinking as frustrated as I am .
For Cooper to cover his mouth so it couldn't be lip-read, it would have had to be something other than, "Well played good goal" think you're along the right lines, more like" I could really use you, I've liked you for a while, If we don't go up, get your agent to bell me"
If we don't go up? I'd hope Cauley would tell him to do one! I think it was more advice on how to fling himself on the floor in a more convincing manner!!
Woodrow being able to score goals like that is exactly why I always want him on the pitch. He presses, he scores goals. Class.
I think all our forwards looked off their best over the 2 legs because the Swansea defence did very well shutting them down - by fair means or foul. Only Morris looked much of a threat until Woodrow's goal, and that came from a quick break on the counter.
It never ceases to amaze me how some fans always look to find fault with our better players, for our club & the level we play at then Woodrow is a class act, but some will not be happy until they drive our better players away from the club & yet if the club did sell him the very same fans would be moaning about the club , sometimes I just despair !