I just switch VPN on to watch porn on 5G before the watershed. It was free by the way and fully consensual. I hope you haven't been remotely watching me having an Arnold Shank.
Probably too far for tomorrow but can’t beat the cobbler in pontefract for a carvery. you should try it. http://www.thecobblerfamilypubandrestaurant.co.uk/
I'm still baffled at this thread! From a simple request for recommendations for an eatery, it then journeyed into a political attack, a bit of a rant at other posters, advice on how to stay private on the Internet, and then how to watch pornography sites using 5G and VPN. This is surreal, even for the BBS!
Apologies for my rant last night. I was drunk and took Kamikaze's comment out of context. It's my own fault for admitting I voted Tory on an internet forum. It's my cross to bare. It has got to me though. More so in recent months.
Funny on here how comments get taken differently to how the person typing means them to be taken. The thread was about carveries so someone mentioned Toby and then Tony and so in my usual flippant way I made a play on words and mentioned Tory carvery. Just a joke play on words. No insult at all. No axe to grind with anyone. As an aside I made a joke the other day and mentioned Tories as part of the joke and got insulted for it. That too was just a joke but got misinterpreted. The moral for me is that I should stop making jokes or explain that they're jokes if people find them unfunny! N.B. Most of my jokes are unfunny!
Just picked up on this Stephen. I thought I'd explained I'd admired you for fronting up voting tory. But admitting you may/would have voted a.n. other in hindsight. What I can't stand is apologists that defended that ctun of a prime minister. I hadn't got you down as one of them. I recieve./recieved abuse for my support of Corbyn. But it's water off a ducks back for me. Ah well.