Thank you for your help. I've sent you a private message regarding contact details. If you could help with these that would be super. Thanks again.
Re: Casa-Disco for JuttyP JuttyP, hello. Did you have any luck getting hold of a contact for Steve Bullock? Thanks again. Craig.
RE: Casa-Disco in Pub? Frans, Did you by any chance get a hold of the Casa-Disco owner at all? Thanks again. Craig.
RE: Casa-Disco in Pub? Yep, passed the printout of your posts onto him, he seemed to be pretty interested in it all, got the impression he'd get in touch with you..
RE: Casa-Disco in Pub? Frans, thank you that's great. Hopefully he'll give me a shout. Thank you ever so much for your help.
Without a doubt my fave shop of the 80s Bought my first band t-shirt there in 86, it was great for 50p CD Singles, Cassette Singles, and rare 12" singles from 49p, the vinyl was a pleasure to flick through, I'd spend hours in there. Casa and EGS were the only decent record shops in town that stocked a good proportion of genre-specific non-chart music. Most of my spending money and first wages were spent between them both. Our Price and Andy's were pretty crap in comparison. I also remember the 2nd hand record shop upstairs in the market which was good for 70s and early 80s duke box second vinyl.
RE: Check yer Inbox matey nt Thank you for that. I've tried your idea but none of the details are in there. Any other ideas on how to contact him? Thank you for your time. Craig.
Wasn't that Andy's Records? I thought EGS was part of the row of shops in Market (now awaiting demolition).
RE: Wasn't that Andy's Records? EGS was just up the pedestrianised street behind Boots, it's a cafe now I think, Andy's Records was also on a pedestrianised street round the corner between EGS and Casa, it used to be part of the record shop trail, but rarely spent in.
RE: Wasn't that Andy's Records? I'm prepared to be completely wrong here but didn't Paul Weller open a record store in Barnsley just before he was getting his name? My Dad seems certain on the fact.
RE: Wasn't that Andy's Records? I think that was Andy's as far as I can remember EGS was opened on a Bank Holiday Monday (for some reason) in 1985 I think by Black 'Aga Doo' Lace. i went to see them but they'd gone, so I bought a BASF C90 for 89p, then got the 273 home.