He had an injection initially, but that didn’t settle it down. So he’s needed surgery and could be a couple of months at best. He’d been playing with the injury, unbeknownst to him, for a month apparently. Same one Mowatt had last season, that was cured by injection. Think he only missed Blackburn away. Huge blow.
I am pleased someone else beside me agrees that Woodrow has been a very good player for us, I wouldn"t yet call him a great but I see where you are coming from , if comes back the Woodrow of old you are right , he could become a " great "
He has been great for us imo. Not in particular this season, but overall I think he's been a success here so far. Not many players who have scored 50+ goals for us. Big shame if he leaves
I'd just like to apologise for being so cynical and wish Cauley a speedy recovery in time for the League 1 season. Might be an injury no club will touch and he'll be a lifer at Oakwell. I'd like to see him get his mojo back in a Barnsley shirt.
Jeez @YTBFC you've just given me a heart attack! Saw the "you'll be missed" tweet and assumed we'd sold him. Only after visiting official site and finding no news article did I come on here to find he's more injured than we thought. Now I'm oddly delighted that he's just injured and not sold! Speedy recovery Cauley.
We’re down anyway so it doesn’t really matter does it? Play offs to league one in 1 season. It’ll have been a success though as we’ll have sold Callum Britain to Stoke.
I’m speaking with him tomorrow so there’ll be an article online over the weekend. We didn’t get the Poya piece (which refers to his injury) written up today as usual because we had some commercial stuff to tidy up too. Busy. But yeah, you’ll hear from Cauley over the weekend at the latest. He’s probably my favourite player in my time at the club and it’s hard reading the criticism he gets. Because I know him. He’s such a top bloke. But that’s football. We all get it.
Please send best wishes for a speedy and full recovery from us Whitey. I think I'm right that he's the first player to score 50 goals for us since Bruce Dyer. Imo that shows his quality and his loyalty and I'd like him to know that he's appreciated and valued.
The reaction towards him from some of the fans this season leaves a bitter taste for me. The whole team has been garbage due to mismanagement, yet he has been unfairly singled out in my opinion. He could easily be out for the season, then sold during the summer and that will be that for one of my all-time favourites. Not a good note to end on.
This is bad news. Hope Cauley makes a speedy recovery and gets firing them in soon. We'll miss him big time.
He's a modern day great. I can just about remember Bruce Dyer and he was the last striker to score this many. Of the other strikers this millenium Cauley is streets ahead of most. Goals, longevity and memories (a promotion, a great escape and the playoff run)