The season can’t be finished. The Dutch have shown the way forward. Football exists to entertain not for the good of itself. the reason the national league have cancelled is because they need gate receipts and money over the bar to survive, without that there’s no point in paying players and waiting for whenever to come. Most clubs in league 1 and 2 are in a very very similar position. June 30th a lot of players are out of contract, many will have new clubs lined up.
Dunno I thought it were Boro last time I looked which seems eons ago.but either way they havnt been in bottom three as much as Wigan
Yes I expect they will make the decision that is amiblce and best for Sky BT and Premier league and expect everyone else to just fall in line.
I think the authorities will be guided by limiting their liability to being sued and paying any compensation. That would suggest no releagtions and expanded higher leagues for one season with more relegations the next season to establish normality (probably restrict entry to league cup to bottom three tiers aswell. THis idea was initially floated by some club chairs, including I think Karen brady and Steve Gibson (who both have skin in the game). For instance, Fulham have a gripe if the current top two are promoted but they have lost a chance, no more and that is harder to establish in a law court than an actual loss. If we were relegated then we have actually lost a place (and associated higher income) by being demoted by the League as opposed to just our actions on the pitch up to now.
what isn't been factored in is what the fans reaction may be if their club is unfairly treated - could we see some fans boycotting their club - protest marching??
There is still the fact that x number of people are going to be susceptible to the virus and to take it home to their families by playing/coaching/hosting/catering and organising numerous games behind closed doors. It’s just not right. The only organisations, clubs, agents or players that will kick off about doing the right thing will be financially driven.
For me the only answer is to end the leagues now and promote all those in the automatic promotion positions, with no relegation. This would mean that the Prem would have an extra 2 team. This move would also probably be welcomed by those teams in the relegation positions but may reduce the legal challenges due to the leagues finishing early. Obviously only my thoughts but I think this is probably the only outcome that would work, but as my wife keeps saying, I know nothing
We were supposed to be visiting San Fran on holiday the end of June (probably not happening now!). Staying at Tilden Hotel which is a bit too close to Tenderloin area really. What's it like living there? Is the homeless issue really bad? Cheers
The YEP seem to think next season's Championship will be regionalised north and south. I like how they are including Barnsley in it!
Ive listened to a non league podcast tonight, lots of talk about clubs going bust and sorting the leagues from 1 down regionally, promotion might be replaced by invites the further down you go, makes sense even if it’s just for a couple of years.
Insisting on full and final payment might be a strategy, particularly if you don't really want a player to go. As my mate's favourite acronym goes..... Cash Up No Tick.
That was more non league really, if clubs go bust though don’t be surprised if it happens in league 2 maybe
Social restrictions likely to remain in place until the rest of this calendar year. In my opinion restart the season after a one year pause. Sorted.
Yes, the homeless problem is an issue, and it is getting worse. The city recently lost a major medical conference. The largest conference in the city, Oracle World, are also moving to Vegas. Both cited homelessness, street crime and lack / price of hotel rooms. This was before COVID19. I still like it here, but I think many locals look at it through rose-tinted spectacle. It is no longer the "Paris of the West".