Remember it’s just fake news if you voted leave. Leave means leave even if you have to shoot yourself in the foot, knee, arsehole and head as you are doing it.
No it's not... All our food is run by Codex Alimenterus... Do a little digging, but be careful it may not suit your agenda...
It certainly doesn’t suit yours . No need to do any digging Trump has already stated once out the EU he wants us to import his chicken so obviously we can’t while we’re still in
Ok, I've dug. It's an advisory body setting food standards and the homeopathic/ herbal medicine community don't like them as they don't recognise such remedies. Have I missed owt? The same argument is been made about Aussie food too regards future trade deals . I would say one thing , if you went on holiday to Australia/ US would you refuse to eat any of the food and instead fetch your own via your suitcase ? For the majority I doubt food standards would even cross their mind .
What you are doing here is SWALLOWING all the propaganda from farmers and landowners in this country. These ******** want to keep receiving tax payers handouts from the government - while controlling food imports. All of it so they can keep selling their food at high prices. I’m all for food imports. More the better. Brexit will make food cheaper. Can anyone really believe food from America is dodgy??? Especially when you consider their lawyer culture. I would trust food standards from countries like America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia before countries like Greece, France and Spain.
You don't know anything about were your food's been coming for years under the wonderful EU already and has been for a long time. But lets believe the propaganda machine and not learn anything for ourselves.. We are and have been forced chlorine for a hell of a long time.. Like I said Fake News to blame Brexit and Trump No11 is quite interesting... Wash, Chlorine.pdf Like I said do some digging those above are just snippets ..
Last one for him/her wit wasp on their page...
Spider, I just don't get where you're coming from. I've read your links. I don't see anything that suggests some sort of deep state conspiracy by codex. So some products are treated. So what? The US seems to excessively use chlorination to disguise the rank bad hygiene standards carried out within their industries. I do not want to have to eat food produced under far lower hygiene regulations than those we have. In any trade deal with the US they will undoubtedly try to force us to accept those lower standards. If you think Trump gives a **** about the health of his own or anyone else's citizens where there's an extra dollar to be earned your deluded. Just look at the way he's ripping out what protections they DID have. And that's the sort of dilemma brexit offers. If you want a deal...drop your standards.
The OP was claiming that if we end up leaving the EU (which at best will only be in name only) that we all are going to be poisoned by Chlorinated chicken from the US and the nasty Donald trump.. What I was pointing out was that all the world's food apart from countries like North Korea and Iran that haven't been invaded yet. Comes under something called Codex alimentarius, They have been running the world food for years, They actually say that chlorine is good for you and natural herbs are toxic.. Our pre-packed washed salads and anything with brine like cooked meats and bacon, have chlorine in them and have done for years. So that's why I said it was fake news just to say this is something new coming from America it's been around a hell of a long time in our foodchain, it's already here under the EU's wing..