The problem with just scrappping everything just like that is the d1ckheads who will thinks that’s it, jobs done and start another rapid rise. Hopefully people will be considerate to others , but this is the great British so it’s unlikely, especially with the idiot that is running the show.
Well flu has certainly greatly contributed to the winter crisis in the NHS for the last few years (not including the winters of 2020/21 when flu didn't make an appearance). As for people affected who were previously fit healthy people, how many were affected? And how many have been affected in a similar way with regards to flu? We don't know, because flu was never ever reported in the same way that covid has been in terms of reported figures in the mass mainstream media, it was only vaguely hinted at with reporting on 'winter crises'. There are many questions unanswered. We aren't going to agree and I don't want to fall out, so I'll leave it there.