I loaded both Morecambe & Wise clips at the same time. Had I put one up later, there'd be a comment stating the time it happened in the bottom right hand corner of the post.
Can't find a link on YouTube, but the "bad feet" sketch makes me laugh, although I could post dozens involving Ronnie Barker from Porridge and Open all Hours.
I've recently discovered Forces TV and their daily comedy. Ronnie Barker is on now in a Comedy Hero's programme. Ron's text messages (way before there time) were amazing.
And one from one of my favourite comedians in one of my favourite films, Good Morning Vietnam. Can only imagine how many attempts they had at this.
Brilliant Sketch, superbly delivered. Pretty certain when I say this that they other 2 people in this sketch are their older brothers who go/ went by the name of the Patten Brothers (i say went by as I know that one of them died recently and I'm not sure which one)