Because nothing is finalised yet, so therefore there's nothing to announce as such. Seeing as you seem so convinced that some sort of subterfuge is at play here, kindly answer me this: what exactly would the club have to gain by leaking details of a fake takeover to the press? Further to that, how exactly would they then manage to convince every media outlet it was true, while simultaneously gagging anyone who knew the "real" situation (ie the takeover was fake), including the alleged buyers, who would surely have been the first people to refute everything had it really been fabricated?!
Are you seriously asking this? Alleged form?? Give it a rest man.
So because the club aren't open about what's going on, it isn't happening? The fact new articles are being adopted and that the share rights/names are being varied is also sign that we're being bought. There might be two classes of shares, one held by the new investors and one held by PC. The new articles will set out the share rights of the different classes of shares, such as their voting rights. Hopefully PC retains 26% of the voting rights even if he only holds 20% of the capital rights of the shares.
Could this not also be Patrick could just be sorting out his will. Breaking down the single share to leave to more than one person.
If what has already been mooted is true, the proposed takeover of Barnsley FC could well follow that of the Nice FC model, in that the incumbents retain 20% and Messrs Lee and partners take 80%. If that is the case, Patrick Cryne and his family could have a say in any future developments surrounding any development of the Club and the Oakwell complex in general. Given those facts, ( if that's what transpires) I personally don't feel there is any need for undue concern. Whilst we care deeply about our Club, like the fifteen previous changes of ownership during our 130 year history , we will not be party to any detail regarding the actual "nitty gritty ", because it is likely that it will not be in the public domain. As fans, the only decision we will have to make going forward, is whether we continue buying Season tickets or match day tickets and if of course we like what we are being told, pledge our 100% support to the new regime.
Obviously the club has got an inside man in Companies House, who's job it is to produce fake documents to upset blundering buffoons on here. Allegedly.
I bet the club are chuffed to bits that we are now all involved. They'll get some good advice from us numpties !
Should imagine it gives them more flexibility, but just like virtually everything else in the thread/s about the takeover its just a guess...
There was another Agreement document doing the rounds a few weeks ago which purported to show the sale of 98.5% of BFC 2002 Ltd and 50% of Oakwell Community Assetts Ltd , but this one is obviously legit , doesn't tell us owt though
I wouldn't get too hung up on the number of shares that are being created. It could be that its more easily divisible for the share split they wish to attain if multiple ownership vehicles exist. It could just be the stock option offered so they've gone for it.
Must be close Alexander Jarvis tweets are getting a bit cryptic, I reckon that's where the news will come from.
Which other companies would feel it was necessary to keep their customers informed about a change of ownership. Some of our fans are so embarrassingly needy.
This is indeed a facsimile of the document that has been filed at Companies House, but whilst it is news to us, it is not news to those in the know. The document has two dates attached. It was received at Companies house on 1 September (11 days ago) and the document was raised as a result of a board meeting held on 24 August (19 days ago). It is therefore nothing new as regards the story of the takeover. There are many possible explanations for the action, which have been discussed earlier in this thread, and most having nothing to do with a possible take-over. Companies House also shows that Maurice Watkins is still a director of the club. This may simply be because the paperwork has been overlooked, or it may be that although he is no longer Chairman, he still has a place on the board. I know that as supporters,we are all have a vested interest in what happens to the club, but perhaps it would be better if we stopped jumping to conclusions and waited to be informed.
"Bent labour council" in what sense? Anyway, BMBC are likely to be heavily involved as they hold shares in Oakwell Community Assets Limited. Frosdick, Cllr Gardiner and Cllr Miller are all directors of the same along with PC.