This is the problem. Ignorance within the fan base of the law. The club have to insist on people sitting down. Persistent standing in an all seater stadium will lead to sections or even whole stands being closed. Clubs are expected to police this themselves. It is likely even a condition of the safety certificate of each stand to do so. The club have done and continue to do a lot of things to castigate them for. A lot of the ill feeling is self inflicted. The Twitter thing repeatedly this season for example; be it the ridiculous sign a striker tweet, the blanket blocking, the deleting of tweets as they didn’t like fans commenting about the unacceptable result. All own goals and the growing feeling is that we don’t matter and they don’t care. There’s a hell of a lot of work to do. But the folk moaning about being instructed to sit, and repeated requests stop singing inappropriate songs involving racist language, need to give their head a wobble. What choice do you think the club has?
I contacted the club about this as in the past the club policy was that they don’t block Barnsley fans. This is still the case. Here’s a screen shot of all the people blocked on the clubs account: As you can see 0 accounts are blocked. Maybe some sort ot X glitch? Elon’s been trying to to block bots, antisocial behaviour etc so maybe some they are catching legit accounts? They didn’t delete a full time tweet either. It disappeared and once noted the club stuck the other tweet out. They were hardly hiding away from the score were they?
To misquote Mandy Rice Davies (if you know your history)........well they would say that, wouldn't they.......
Cant really enter the debate re standing up at home games as it's not an issue and summat I see where I sit. (Although not condoning any of it) But away games it's a different kettle of fish. Folk at the front stood up causing a ripple effect. Ffs buy a chuffin ticket at the back. Which tbf most of the younger end tend to do. It's the Mid 20s to late 30s and even older. (1 in his 60s the dozy two hat) that argue with stewards. (I've paid so I'll do what I want and fekk anyone else) Grow the fekk up and show a little bit of respect to those unable or even dont want to stand. (Northampton away prime example. 2 spoiling it for dozens arguing for ages with the Northampton stewards and abusing those requesting em to sit down. until the barnsley steward approached and I assume noted his seat number or summat. He soon shifted) Sooner those type get put in cages. The better. Billy big ******, till someone in real authority can confront and report em.
0 accounts blocked. Ive discussed this with the club before and they don’t block anyone. They had been made aware by some fans this has happened and it’s something they have taken very seriously including changing social media passwords but there is no indication that anyone has been blocked by BFC.