In fact to stick to the pie analogy cos i like analogies.... (And pies lol) You have a 31% piece of a steak pie. Your mate has 7% of it. Total of 38% of the pie. but your now non mates have 20%, 20% and 22% of it. A bottle of red sauce and a bottle of brown sauce is available, but you can only have one or the other. And it cannot be split between red/brown to cover portions of the steak pie. Your non mates totalling 62% of the pie want brown, and you and your mate wants red. The winner is the brown sauce, as they grouped together to outvote you and your mate. The whole pie is plastered in brown sauce Doesn't matter that you have the biggest slice. Your done. Have your pie and brown sauce or sell us your bit of pie and do one
He doesn't. We're led to believe that 7.5% is split between himself and Grace Hung as the PMG shareholding/owners.
In the press conference last September, Conway stated the case was between the Uk company and the Crynes. I wonder if stopping the case could lead to an unfair prejudice case by the minority shareholders?
I thought the Cryne statement at the time clearly outlined the case against BFC Investments though, not the football club itself? It was Jeans expression as she suggested she had no idea when it might be concluded that was most troubling.
It's the equity bit that impresses me. They've injected a million. Haven't bull 5 hi tted about selling players and have said they will invest more where needed. There will also be money for players. What's not to like about them this far? Clean slate for me until if or when I have a genuine grievance.
That’s correct but of the 100% it’s split several ways and the person that has the biggest chunk is Chien Lee so in my thick head still the biggest shareholder
He is the biggest shareholder, yes. But not the majority shareholder, or even able to form a majority with PMG support.
OK. One last go. If I have 31% of a pie and you and your mates don't like me and own 69% of the pie who has the most pie? Me or you and your mates? If I vote to eat the pie with my 31% and you and your mates tell me to get lost and vote together with your 69% what happens? I don't have the brains to make this any easier to understand.
Board Meeting at BFC Investment Company Limited In attendance: Chien Lee, Paul Conway, Neerav Parekh, Jean Cryne, Julie Ann Quay Chien Lee: "Good Morning everyone, welcome to our AGM in which we'll vote on who will represent BFC Investment Company Limited on the board of Barnsley FC, a completely separate company. As we all know, Barnsley FC, a football club, is wholly owned by BFC Investment Company Limited, an investment company, but the two are completely separate companies. Again, as we all know, we don't decide on anything that happens at Barnsley FC, other than which BFC Investment Company Limited board members are on the board at Barnsley FC. All Agreed? All: "Yes of course! Durrrr." Chien Lee: "Right, good. First up, let's vote for Paul Conway being on the board at Barnsley FC. Let's hear your votes." Paul Conway: "Oooh yes, I do, I do, I do. Me, me, me. I think I should be on the Barnsley FC board again. Chien Lee: " A yes from me also." Neerav Parekh: "Nope." Jean Cryne: "Goodness gracious no." Julie Ann Quay: "Abso ***king lutely not!" Chien Lee: "OK let's count the votes. I have 31.25 votes, Paul has 7.5 votes. That's 38.75 votes for Paul Conway to be a Barnsley FC board member." Paul Conway: "Yay for me!" Chien Lee: "Hold your horses there Paul, I think you're being a bit previous. Neerav with 21.25 votes, Jean with 20 votes and Julie with 20 votes all vote no. That's 61.25 votes against Paul Conway being on the board of Barnsley FC, the football club. You're not on the board of the football club any more Paul. Paul Conway: "Oh no! Booooo. It's not fair!" Chien Lee: "Now let's vote for me, Chien Lee, being on the board at Barnsley FC. Let's hear your votes." Paul Conway: "I suppose so, yes." Chien Lee: " A yes from me also." Neerav Parekh: "Nope." Jean Cryne: "Goodness gracious no." Julie Ann Quay: "Abso ***king lutely not!" Chien Lee: "Oh b*ll*cks" Julie Ann Quay: "Ha! In your face you pair of arseholes! Who votes for me, Jean and Neerav being on the board of Barnsley FC?" Paul and Chien: "No way!" Neerav, Jean and Julie: "Yes way!" Julie Ann Quay: "Get right in! Me, Jean and Neerav are on the board of Barnsley FC by 61.25 votes to 38.75. Paul and Chien, you're out, now off you f**k! Board Meeting at Barnsley FC (At a different place and time. This is a football club. The last board meeting was at an investment company.) In attendance: Neerav Parekh, Jean Cryne, Julie Ann Quay, James Cryne, Khaled El-Ahmad, Robert Zuk Neerav Parekh: "Good Morning everyone, welcome to the first board meeting for the new directors at Barnsley FC. At these board meetings we decide what happens at the football club. This is the board of directors of the football club and we decide what happens. Nobody else does, just us. Paul Conway and Chien Lee don't decide what happens at this football club because they're not on this board of directors. They have no say at all and have no influence either because none of us like them. We decide, just us. All agreed? All: "Yes of course! Durrrr."