We would be getting picked up from there or just at side where the club is. I will give him all the details so he can put them up in his building on the football pitches
Bumping this. Anyone interested please drop me a private message. Hoping to start getting word around now fixtures are out. Also hoping to get a good set of regulars.
Not sure yet but might be interested for some matches. My parents live in Grimey so if I can get my dad interested in away matches it would be ideal.
No problem mate. That’s the type of areas I’m hoping it helps out. Me n r lass will be setting up a fb page to get more people interested. (Hopefully)
Eyup pal, do you want to spread the word to these that might be interested? We will be setting up a fb page shortly too.
Little tip….cash up front until you get your regulars…….I’d certainly spread the word for you mucker regards kippa
Yep that’s gunna have to happen for the first few months. Cheers. I would appreciate it if you could spread the word mate
Yes for definite! I take it, it will be a case of trying to get to a local town in advance of the match for drinks/lunch ala Courthouse Reds, Manx etc etc.
Yes mate exactly same. We will more than likely be stopping same place as courthouse unless there’s way too many going to same place.
Not sure Grimey projects the right image If there's a pick up in Shafton it might be of use to me. Not too far from Royston for my Mrs to do drop off and pick up
Well there is a chance that could be a possibility. When I get everything finalised and in place then I will confirm for deffo
Parking charges at Wembley are reflected in what coach had to charge.No choice for alternative parking options for busses.