Told me mam to get me dad outta retirement. It’s been 30 years and his got ****** knees and a dodgy ticker but she will be glad to have him out of the house.
yeah. I think they are talking about open cast rather than underground. Still it’s ridiculous either way.
Deep mine what I've read. The UK Government has approved controversial plans for a new coal mine in Cumbria, which will become the first deep coal mine in the UK for more than 30 years. Bit barmy for me n'all. Be more to do with the reliance on Russian coal I'm guessing.
@Tekkytyke I've done a bit more research on this and I'm now totally against it. Apparently the coal has too much sulphur for iron ore reduction. This taken from New Civil Engineer, so not a trendy lefty environmentalist news outlet. Former British Steel chief executive Ron Deelan added that the coal mine is “a completely unnecessary step for the British steel industry”, while University of Lancaster energy professor Rebecca Willis said that “there is no business case or scientific justification for this mine”. In fact, West Cumbria Mining estimates that 83% of the coal mined at the site will be exported abroad. Experts have also said that it is unlikely that any of the coal will be used in the UK because its quality means it can't be used by UK steel companies.
I’d read something similar in my Engineering and. Technology journal. No surprise that the government is lying over the reason to open it. What I am less sure about is what the real reason is. Who stands to make a fortune out of it?
Someone definitely does. The site is owned by the West Cumbria Mining Company, of Whitehaven. This, in turn is wholly owned by EMR Capital, a private equity outfit based in the Cayman Islands. So whoever the main beneficiaries are, it'll be off the books of their shiny new UK arm.
I'd have to agree with you.if that is the situation ..sounds very dodgy if it will result in most of the output being exported. Worst of both Worlds. i.e. Exporting a fossil fuel adding to the World's supply of polluting energy whilst still having to import the stuff not the replacing like for like minus transportation savings I originally thought would be the case.
Big hole near to many of the UK's largest nuclear power stations Could prove useful, if not for the reasons advertised