Yes, no consolation, but a bit of a smile back on my face after let's have it right we all have to be a bit relieved for zuoma's cat!
There's a few Wet Spam fans showing their true colours, but they are the first to whinge about it when Millwall do it. They're all cut from the same cloth to be honest!.
Aye, unfortunately it seems like the odd few nobheads will forever be associated with football mate. Some who turn up just to cause trouble and spew abuse... And I'll never know why
We were on about it on here recently, on the Manc fan with the offensive T-shirt thread. Ridiculous schoolyard names is one thing (like Fowls or Blunts or Pigs etc), but those who shout/sing vile things about people dying, at a footy match, should be ashamed of themselves.