NZ farming industry have already said they will set a case in motion. Yeah we can delay a few years but we will still be faced with the same choice. Zero tariffs or a hard border.
I think I'm right in saying that only the NZ Govt could bring a case and that individual groups cannot....bearing in mind the sensitive nature of the NI border I doubt NZ would be prepared to compromise the status quo ( I could be wrong) and the implications for peace that accompany it. On purely the trade front they have already expressed concerns some time ago to the WTO about EU proposals around their quotas...this is unrelated to Brexit but could be resolved by a UK/NZ trade deal which New Zealand's PM is very keen to progress. She said earlier this year on the BBC "Jacinda Ardern said negotiating a free trade agreement would be a "real priority" once the UK had left the EU. As a very important trading partner for us, at the point the UK is ready to do so, we're very keen to enter into a free trade agreement," she told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme.Asked whether her main priority was tying up access to the EU market, Ms Ardern emphasised historic links to the UK and said: "For us, it's not just the size, it's the quality." Even if they were prepared to go that far and potentially jeopardise a deal they are obviously keen to sign....they have to prove the case that they are damaged by it and of course they may not win
Yes the NZ govt have said that they will take a case forward on behalf of their farming industry in the event of differing tariffs. There is still a lot of anger in NZ at the Actions if the Uk govt when we joined the EEC which devastated their farming Industry They are in no mood to do us any favours
Some further background
Took 20-30 years for farming to recover and left a number of farmers committing suicide, while the economy and living standards countrywide needed generational-scale recovery.
Yes that is exactly what I was talking about in the previous post...the quota concern dates to 2017, and will be solved by the free trade deal which Jacinda Ardern says is her top priority.
A good one to post Jimmy, the WTO does not specify where checks take place and does not specify a hard border, they are happy for checks and balances to take place anywhere. The WTO does not impose a hard border.
Worth fetching up Jimmy...I am in complete agreement that Britain shafted the Commonwealth countries when we joined the EU. If we agree on that however it leaves the unfortunate truth that the Remain establishment seem to have been rather untruthful in the 1975 referendum leaflet sent to all out homes.... HELPING THE COMMONWEALTH It has been said that the Commonwealth countries would like to see us come out. This is not so. The reverse is true. Commonwealth Governments want Britain to stay in the Community. The new Market terms include a better deal for our Commonwealth partners as well as for Britain. Twenty-two members of the Commonwealth are among the 46 countries who signed a new trade and aid agreement with the Market earlier this year. Britain is insisting that Market aid for the poorer areas of the world must go to those in most need. Here is what Commonwealth leaders have said about Britain's role in the Market: Mr. Gough Whitlam Prime Minister of Australia, speaking in Brussels on December 18, 1974: I do not want to give any impression that the present Australian Government sees any advantages for Australia, for Europe or for the world in Britain leaving the Community. Mr. Wallace Rowling Prime Minister of New Zealand, said in Paris on February 22, 1975, that it would not be in the long-term interest of the New Zealand economy if Britain were to withdraw from the Common Market.
You didn't - you suggested that if it becomes a problem we could look at it again. Which is the kind of bluster we're getting from BoJo - he's a a conman and lying tw@, I expected better here.
We will see. NZ will challenge us if we don’t impose a border. As will the US. You know all this makes you come across as either Ill informed or just using the lies that Farage and mob use. You seem to believe that a hard brexit will be good for normal people. Fanctva bet? £100 quid to charity