I agree with that. To a point. When does a child become a young adult? Matter of opinion. Some Muslims are liars, just like every other belief ridden individual may be. Trainee nurses have access to contraception. You know all the above. So you just need to point it out.
i started the dead grandad theme because of the abuse thrown at pensioners and them apparently fleecing the country dry.By the way,it was you who singled me out for the lecture about your grandad and his hatred of the bnp.
Is there anything you haven't done (and pointed out to us on a regular basis?/..... Attending Royal Garden parties, meeting eminent economists. What do you actually do for a living out of curiosity? Anyway to the point. You are wrong here. Whilst Major's Government introduced PFIs, it was the Labour Government that expanded it significantly AND FURTHERMORE it was THEY that introduced it into the Health service ... " In 2003 the Labour Government used Public-private partnership (PPP) schemes for the privatisation of London Underground's infrastructure and rolling stock. The two private companies created under the PPP, Metronet and Tube Lines have now been taken into public ownership due to their financial problems, at significant cost to the UK taxpayer.[16] In 2005/6 the Labour Government introduced Building Schools for the Future, a scheme introduced for improving the infrastructure of Britain's schools. Of the £2.2 billion funding that the Labour government committed to BSF, £1.2 billion (55.5%) was to be covered by PFI credits.[17] Some local authorities were persuaded to accept Academies in order to secure BSF funding in their area.[18] By October 2007 the total capital value of PFI contracts signed throughout the UK was £68bn,[19] committing the British taxpayer to future spending of £215bn[19] over the life of the contracts. The global financial crisis which began in 2007 presented PFI with difficulties because many sources of private capital had dried up. Nevertheless, PFI remained the UK government's preferred method for public sector procurement under Labour. In January 2009 the Labour Secretary of State for Health, Alan Johnson, reaffirmed this commitment with regard to the health sector, stating that “PFIs have always been the NHS’s ‘plan A’ for building new hospitals … There was never a ‘plan B’".[20] However, because of banks' unwillingness to lend money for PFI projects, the UK government now had to fund the so-called 'private' finance initiative itself. In March 2009 it was announced that the Treasury would lend £2bn of public money to private firms building schools and other projects under PFI.[21] Labour's Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Yvette Cooper, claimed the loans should ensure that projects worth £13bn — including waste treatment projects, environmental schemes and schools — would not be delayed or cancelled. She also promised that the loans would be temporary and would be repaid at a commercial rate. But, at the time, Vince Cable of the Liberal Democrats, subsequently Secretary of State for Business in the coalition, argued in favour of traditional public financing structures instead of propping up PFI with public money:" House!!!
Do you not understand the word 'began'. I can get you a dictionary if you're struggling. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
We can't all spend our life muttering about foreigners drinking our woman and shagging our pints can we. Sent from my iPad using Barnsley FC BBS Fan Forum mobile app
I am fully capble of understanding the word 'began' but thank for your kind offer. Your usual bullying, arrogant and sarcastic response to Xerxes twisted what he said... "You are absolutely beneath contempt. I can't be arsed to pick apart everything but let's play ******** bingo. Starter for 10. Which political party began the Pfi process? Was it A) John Major's Conservative Party. B) John Major''s Conservative Party or C) Both of the above. You can phone a friend if the question is too hard." He actually specifically stated the following... "Having done this Labour introduced privatisation of the NHS and Education with their costly PFI. Labour also was responsible for the introduction of food banks, the open borders, the reduction of Maggie's rebate, plus the selling of 50% of our gold reserves - let alone the pension scandal." You chose to ignore those facts as it does not suit your agenda instead referencing the fact that the Conservatives started PFIs off in a small way and the fact that it was Labour who expanded it. Therefore he was not talking ******** as you put it. I am well used to you taking the high ground and accusing others who disagree with you as been morally bankrupt or unethical, having been on the receiving end of your arrogant and bigoted responses on a number of occasion . I am still curious to know what career path you followed to have such vast knowledge of all things and such an unswerving belief that you are correct and everyone who disagrees with you is contemptible, vile, or plain wrong. Anyway I will get back to my glass of prosecco as I have better things to do. I await your usual, high and mighty sarcastic response Oh great one!!
me and you both then,still not sure why you brought the bnp/national front,immigrants etc etc into it because nobody mentioned any of them.
Free education? Up to 16 yes but that's the same now as far as I'm aware. I had to pay for my further education or at least my company did. Exam fees, books, enrollment the lot. More is spent on the NHS as a % of GDP now than when I was a kid so ain't got a clue what you mean by healthcare. The standard of living now is way better than when I was a kid A third of my wage went on the mortgage and I couldn't afford a car or a phone. Food on the table was my number 1 priority. I also paid for my own private pension and like the vast majority my age, do not blame immigration for the world's troubles. Your name suits you and your bitterness towards pensioners is a disgrace.