I think it's time we pensioners got some sort of extra allowance when it's a Bank Holiday, as we don't really get the benefit of them. It would help, along with the Free Travel Pass and the Winter Canaries Allowance.
Trouble with the monarchy is you get what's coming next whether you like it or not. The choice is not yours. It's not that long back that some were Nazi sympathisers.
Yep. Ireland currently works. Miggledy does philosophical speeches, writes poetry, promotes the arts and opens stuff.
The very apotheosis of underserved privilege and wealth accumulated off the back of empires wars and land appropriations. Unless and until we cast off this security blanket of “tradition” their unrecognised, but real, power will continue to drag on any dreams of a society based on merits and the contents of a man’s character and not the contents of his bank account and family name.
If people want to enjoy it then that's their bag. I love watching barnsley at football but I can see why people can't stand watching fully grown adult babies rolling round pretending someone has hurty wurty their footy wutty.
This is actually quite clever. You’d think they would lean towards republican, but the founders were Lords of Iveagh.. Tha knows..
Love this guy and the response from Kate https://video.dailymail.co.uk/previ...701037823/636x382_MP4_7666419137701037823.mp4
The length of time that lot will have to sit in the Abbey, I bet Boots on Oxford Street is sold out of she-wees and he-wees.