Bats my arse, China is getting too powerful and some in the west want to reel them in, my cousin works with a Chinese woman and she is perplexed at the media reports, she as many family members still living in china and what she says is that 1000s have died not hundreds, btw I know the earth is round and we have been to the moon ha ha
There's a potent mix of herd mentality, social media irresponsibility, xenophobia and anti-China propaganda that has gone in to writing that narrative. It doesn't make any sense when even a tiny bit of logic is applied to decipher it: They're deliberately spreading the virus and simultaneously 'disappearing' anyone suspected of contracting it to help stop infection at the same time? They want to control people in Hong Kong so introduced the virus in a province thousands of miles away and then put a ban on all travel? Not having a go, but I wish you'd use your enthusiasm and natural talent for constructing a valid and insightful argument in to debunking this stuff rather than spreading it.
Two different conspiracy theories isn't it? The one about deliberately spreading it I just find quite interesting but only in the same way I find the Titanic, moon landings and Roswell theories interesting. ie interesting to read but completely unbelievable. The theory about them disappearing people and covering up the scale is much more believable and what the 'evidence' I've seen does point towards. But they're two completely different conspiracy theories which is why they contradict each other
The rest of the world don't need information from China to assess the mortality rate. There are enough cases elsewhere. It's quite low for a flu like virus. There would be no advantage to China at all for doing what you've described.
Mortality Rate was about 2% of those taken to hospital the last I heard. The Chinese people are restricted from travelling except in emergencies, with many offices/factories on shutdown for longer than normal at this time of year (Just had Spring Festival - which is their big holiday). There is no vaccine, and unlikely to be for several months.