They have blocked the Health minister from attending an EU summit on it and they have blocked the Health departments requests to keep the connection with the early warning system. Is that enough
I've seen that it was announced on Radio 4 this morning and is all over social media. The mayor of London was not invited to the COBRA meeting today as London is only a region - albeit one with a bigger population than a Serbia (and another ~130 countries).
Bigger population than Scotland Nicki was invited though surprisingly Fun fact Boris was invited to Cobra meetings when he was London Mayor
Speculation appears to be growing that there could be a spread of the virus in the U.K. One remedy could be to ban mass gatherings which likely as not, could involve professional/ semi pro football. Could that lead to the suspension of the leagues or is it likely that all games would have to be played behind closed doors.? Coronavirus: Spread of virus in UK 'likely', says Boris Johnson
Yes of course its likely - in fact I would say its a certainty - the only thing not clear is how quickly it will spread and what percentage of the population will be affected. So far in China has about 80 000 cases mostly in Wuhan - population 11 million so even in the epicentre so to speak where the initial reactions were poor if China is being honest ( not certain of course) less than 1% of the population there has caught it so far - in Britain it is so far spreading quite slowly so as long as it stays that way there is probably no need for extreme measures - other than for political reasons of course. Whether that changes in the coming weeks remains to be seen. of course if it does start to spread rapidly then measures such as banning mass gatherings does make sense - though its a difficult balance between the damage done if it is allowed to spread and the damage done if we quarantine cities - shut down public transport schools etc- you cant do that for months without severe consequences and maybe cause more deaths than the virus will cause Unfortunately my confidence in Boris making the pragmatic decisions which are in the best interests of the UK population isn't very high
Given all the people without sick pay & on zero hours contracts, expecting them to self-isolate when they get a temperature and a cough is highly optimistic. The Chinese have a strong sense of belonging - so the lockdown of large cities was easy to implement because people there are fairly civic minded - that's even before you factor in any coercive tactics available to a dictatorship. It would be interesting to see the reaction in the UK if the state tried to implement mass self-internment, not sure it would work as well. I might be wrong of course, who knows?
In China they quite literally used force to round up and isolate people they believed were infected. They then forcefully sealed up apartment blocks with potentially infected people inside.
Just seen Jacob Rees Mogg going into the meeting on the news. Blood letting, leeches and burying dead toads in church yards at midnight it is then!
Trump's comments on Covid-19 . . . . "Corona virus is no big deal" . . . . " Corona virus will miraculously disappear" . . . ."We have it totally under control" . . . . ." the media are making Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets" When will this fool's acolytes realise that this man is a complete nincompoop.
I'd have just climbed out the window. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but pinch of salt required given the footage I've seen.
I have no idea its as if 40% of america is some bizarre cult where no matter what the evidence is they hang on every word of their glorious leader. If only he practices what he preached Trouble isnthe UK we are going that way with Boris the poor mans Trump
I've been a bit worried about this so I went to the chemist this morning. I said to the woman "Excuse me love. What can kill coronavirus?" She said "ammonia cleaner". I said "oh sorry. I thought you worked here".
This virus was made in China so you can guarantee it won't last long and will end up in the back of a before you know it
EFL discussing strategies at Clubs like Barnsley to control any outbreak. In today's paper, ex-Everton keeper Neville Southall suggests issuing everyone with gloves on the grounds that when he wore his, he never caught a thing.