I had my flu jab last Friday. As I walked in I recognised the nurse who was about to administer the jab, and she asked me for advice about curry. I then started a rambling soliloquy about kormas, bhunas and baltis. When I finished I asked her which arm she wanted. She replied that she'd already done it in my left arm. I never even noticed.
Every jab has knocked me up, the first one I was ill for a week, the later ones for just 24-48 hours, my missus is in the high risk category and will be going for jab number seven soon, fortunately (touch wood) she has had no ill effects at all.
Came in to this thread hoping to see some conspiracy theories getting thrown about. How disappointing.
Sorry I always like to please but just feeling sorry for myself, but I'm on my way back the good people of the board are and always are right.
Odd thing being a blood donor my blood only gets used by people of low immune systems and baby's. Yet I suffer with any jabs, back in the day I had to have a right concoction for my job I think it was lasa fever put me out for the night, that was the worst ever.
They'll be coming. They tend to only get out of bed after 11 - those 2am Tik Tok sessions take it out of you
Never had any reactions from COVID jabs, too young to get the latest booster which just seems stupid - When I caught COVID for the first time it was 6 months after a jab so immunity had worn off. It kicked my @rse, don't fancy that again, so would definitely have it if offered. Only time I've been ill after a jab was Hepatitis A Vaccine I had for Jamaica years ago - I was in bed for 2 days.
I’m 69 and have had all previous vaccinations for Covid without any side effects whatsoever. I also had the covid and flu jabs within a day of each other without any effects. I’m due a covid in 2 days so we’ll see ….
Ill for about 4-5 days after the first jab. Didn’t know if had the second, no symptoms & then a little bit rough for day or so after the 3rd. Saw some sick scumbag post a video of Maddy Cusack saying she was having the jab from a couple of years ago on a tribute post to her by Sheffield United on their twitter account. Someone who knew her replied saying she couldn’t believe she was having to tell people this to stop the conspiracies but that it was suicide. Some people are scumbags.
I felt fine after my first two doses (Sputnik, equivalent to Astra Zeneca), but felt absolutely rancid for a day after my Moderna booster. My wife was fine. I also felt much more unwell with COVID both times I had it, but her sense of taste was a mess for 6 months after the first time whereas mine was back to normal very quickly. I'm mid 40's and a bit chubby, but generally healthy and active. I think it's just pot luck to be honest.
It`s all about peoples winge levels.Some like to make a song & dance about it,others just get on with it.