Quick question?? I’m 49, 50 in November are we getting called in for covid and flu jabs or is it something I’ve got to book if I want one/either ??
Covid boosters are currently available for age 65 and over together with several other groups. Have a look on the NHS site under covid jabs. I just recd a text message inviting me to have a vaccination etc
Over 50s can have a free flu jab, I had my first last year. Didn't get called in though I don't think, just booked in at a chemist.
Does the free flu jab for over 50’s still apply this year ? I think it was a one-off freebie last year.
Dunno. But last year the woman at the chemist rang it up on the till when I said I was in for the flu jab. When I said, no it's a freebie, she said, 'never, I would have said you were 40 not 50'. Was well chuffed. Gonna be disappointed if I can't get that little ego boost again this year!!
Free flu jab was just while covid was at large. It's over 65s only now, unless you have certain underlying health conditions. But you can pay for one at Boots pharmacists (£20) or Tescos Extra (£13). I booked me and the mrs in at Tescos a week ago, had her going all morning, until we got there, that you did it yourself on the self service tills
Stood at checkout slapping your arm, with a leather belt you've just twagged from F&F wrapped tightly around it.
To be fair mate, you've done this exact same thing here. Nobody had even brought up conspiracy theories or that young lady and now we all know shes died by suicide. Hopefully people will stop using her tradegy soon. RIP
I had Pfizer booster vaccination yesterday and besides a mildly aching arm, I’ve no side effects so far. In fact, I’ve never had any side effects or Co-vid itself.