Is this because it’s too complex a task to synchronise appointments for surgeries into the website so they only use the larger vaccination centres. But if you ring up, you can get it done locally? Bear in mind, each surgery has its own computer system, they don’t have to be able to talk to other surgeries and would be a relatively closed loop.
Have you ever found fault with anything? And yes we all agree the NHS & it's workforce are fantastic, no one's suggesting otherwise.
Might also be the required 15 minute wait after vaccination too. Many surgeries don't have the room for many people to wait around.
According to the NHS the flu and covid roll outs are following the same protocol and the flu one seems to cope with 30 million in 3 months. Personally, as the cohorts which are most susceptible to flu and covid are basically the same initially I would have just repeated the flu roll out. If what you suggest is correct about synchronisation then why isn't there a large centre in Barnsley on offer? By the way my experience for close relatives is that when you do ring up they tell you to keep trying the website till something closer becomes available which it never does because there are none on the list. I talked to my surgery prior to booking on line who said they didn't know when i would be called because they didn't know when their next allocation of vaccines were due. So no joy there.
I think local surgeries will want to get back to dealing more with non covid bread and butter appointments and avoid a swarm of people turning up to get jabbed. I get what you're saying about travel but I think it's a good thing people cannot get it done in their village surgery.
Surely all surgeries are Broadband connected these days? It's not rocket science to have them all connected to a central or at least regional database. Mind you recently I've had letters from different departments in the same hospital to different addresses (I moved a year ago). I think this clearly illustrates the poor level of funding that has prevented the NHS from achieving the basic levels of IT integration that even a small business would have.
It’s not about broadband, it’s about their appointment systems being off the shelf and only required to be open to their staff. Allowing a website access to them all would be a lot of work, they weren’t designed to be used in that way. edit. I used to do a brief presentation about Agile development using the ‘Single NHS patient database’ as the negative example.
Fair point but having spent 30-odd years in IT development I know that the trend from the very earliest days is for integration of systems. Don't forget it's the National Health Service, not a local or even regional service. If banks can do it (you'd be pretty peed off if your card didn't work in a cashpoint because you were 200 yards down the road from your branch), the NHS can do it. It's only a lack of proper funding that has created this.
They won't let her have the first dose because she can't commit to being available at the surgery on the date they want to give her the second dose because we will be in Cornwall on holiday hopefully, she asked if she could go in a bit earlier for it and was told no she asked if she could go in a bit later and was told no. It seems they have no flexibility in their approach at all
It is the NHS, so to my example, the problem is created not by a lack of funding but because all Trusts are treated as a separate business, and within trusts GP practices are similarly ‘contracted’. So expecting to pull data that means the same thing from thousands of ‘similar’ businesses is an impossible task. nationally the NHS might be a single organisation, but in reality it’s thousands of small independent organisations. Attempting to bring all that data together using waterfall project methodology spent about 10 years, cost £10bn and was scrapped without a single benefit.
Poorly organised from the top then. It's a national service, it aught to be run as a national service. I'm not blaming any particular political party, Labour didn't do anything about it at the turn of the century.
Check difference in waiting times from then till now and the previous time under Thatcher/Major then tell me there’s was no difference