Both wanting public ownership and fighting for the NHS and both a loathing for the Tory Party Edit answering Havana red
Yes pretty much like every socialist in this country since the inception of the labour party. One man was a lion, the other is as fluffy as a little kitten.
Wow. Alternative reality. Its comments like the above that make me realise the total futility of trying to engage in political debate on here. Views are just so entrenched that you realise life is just too short.
Both were pilloried in the Tory press . Bevan endured ridicule for his Health bill in the press and was taking just as much as Jeremy is now . Only history separates them one has proven the other is yet to prove but both on the same path
??????? ???????????????????? You won’t debate cos others views are entrenched and won’t be swayed by your arguments ????? Wow IRONY
I reckon Teresa May and Brad Potts will be on next year's Strictly Come Dancing. They're bound to win.
The major difference between now and then is social media. Recent history has proved that the right win the social media wars hands down (Trump elected, brexit) It's propaganda and lies strike more fear into "everyday" people than the left's. I'm certain Jeremy would have found his path much easier back then (not sure he would have been in such a position though with his terribly middle-class background).
Fail to see your irony alert. You clearly missed the point about the length of a life. You are assuming my views are also entrenched. They may or may not be, but that can't be assumed either way from what I wrote. We could have a debate about it and you may change my view. My suggestion was that I haven't got a snowballs chance in hell of changing yours and therfore my life's too short to even try.
The irony being that it was a Tory that proposed the NHS and got it accepted to be rolled out after the war had finished, it was just that Labour were in power when it was introduced cos they won the first election after.
I would have said he’d had more chance back then with his background as the press didn’t like the working class spoiling the party . But your right about the media making the political battle ground .if people looked into labours policies there is nothing in there to alarm Joe and Joan average
Ha Ha Ha Yeah right , just like the Tories to get that message out . History tells us in parliamentary archives and the people who were there at the time that the Tories battled against the NHS all the way . As NYE Bevan said I had to stuff their mouths with gold. If you went to a Liveral party fringe meeting they also would tell you it was a liberal idea taken by the Labour Party . The Labour Party Invented the NHS
I really don't think the majority of people look into policies or manifesto's though, not like they would have perhaps 20, 30, 40years ago etc. The debate is now run on-line which is a problem for labour i think. Can't see this shifting either to any significant extent.
So the Beveridge report in 1942 about the 5 great evils doesn’t exist then and the Willink White paper in 1944 either then? I agree entirely that Bevan saw it through and the Tories argued over certain aspects of it as they felt it went to far(privatising hospitals as an example), but the reality is Churchill commissioned Beveridge to look at the 5 evils and proposals to counter so they could pick one and the one they selected was free health.
Anybody I would have respect in could either dance in time or say "**** that" and not dance. She is a muppet, and one that is going to sell our country down the swanee river. NO DEAL BREXIT. xxx
You could be right about policies only the standout major ones are noticed . But the media pick out the ones they promote or attack sometimes fairly often not. It’s social media that’s going right wing imo and it’s worrying the only reason Churchill commissioned is because he was pm and worried that it was a labour campaign that was popular .the proposals of Beveridge would never have delivered the NHS as labour did so radically and in fierce opposition . The bitting and bobbing of the libs and cons was what swept labour to power in such numbers that the NHS as we know it exists tiday