John Mann is as vain a politician as there is, full of bluster and bs. You don't seem to get my point. There are millions of centre ground voters with nothing to vote for. Without those people (I couldn't give a monkeys about the party or the MPs or momentum or aides or unions or donors or anything related) labour cannot win an election. So why narrow the electorate that could potentially vote for them?
I'm a bit drunk, as ever at this point of the evening. Why the **** are people talking about Churchill, instead of homeless people, massive job losses due to our new immigration rules and our loss of manufacturing jobs. Maybe Boris's hair, or the "dancing queen".
I agree people in the middle ground are the key. They do need to decide which side they are on. The multinational rich , or the the ordinary folk. Side with the other side at your peril.
I do get what your meaning but my point is that it’s not the electorate that’s centre but the information that’s being relatyed to them and that’s where the problem lies .for years we had rich newspaper owners employing droned editors to bull the readers . Now it’s tv and radio telling us what we should expect our politics to be and likeminded politicians pretending there’s actually a difference between them .
I don't disagree there is huge right wing bias in the press. But what they do with assistance is to create a trap the left falls into sadly. I've voted labour my full voting life (mid 40s) apart from the last election (I didn't vote at all) I don't agree with much of corbyns stances, especially at the time of brexit. And there is a huge naivety in him or pig headedness that makes the medias intent (and govt) to demonise him and his front benchers terribly easy.