I wonder who the Board Member he had discussions with , was . You’d have thought he would have named Conway if it was him
Maybe because if it does go down to court or anything on them lines Daniel can protect his rights by not splatting anything personal over social media what is complete trash...god knows
Sounds like he got rumbled whilst having his ******** tickled by another club, preparing to take his staff with him too. Snake.
Part of Daniel's statement: I was always honest and documented strongly that I wanted to continue to work with the team in order to achieve the goals of the club. Doesn't seem like someone preparing to depart with the coaching staff to me
It is possible that " tampering" is more of a regular occurrence than might be supposed and Daniel was approached and therefore can't say it's completely false. And that may well be the same at other clubs. Strikes me some of these managerial moves happen very quickly. I think there is no way the board can get away from that 21 word statement. All they've said now could have been said at the time but wasnt. They just come across as petty.
I'm thoroughly fed up with all this. If DS was sacked, show us a copy of the termination letter. If he wasn't, show us a copy of the payroll entries that prove he was on gardening leave. Sick of reading "he said/she said" crap. The proof is out there. Let's see it. One way or the other.
PS The tapping up doesn't interest me in the slightest. We all know it's happening up and down the country, every damn week. That's just how it is.
As you're in the know why wasnt he sacked for that straight away and why was the club in question not reported straight away?
Feels a bit like Call My Bluff. We've now had 3 statements and at least one of them contains some falsehoods. Meanwhile BBS has gone into Who Wants To Be A Millionaire mode. Let's ask the audience. On your keyboards, all vote now.
No denial there Daniel and why didn't the key players want to stay with you? That's something l've always wondered.
I know but he's not going to say anything different to that is he. I don't doubt his commitment but it does sound like he's been flirting with another club (as many do) and been found out. Then the **** hit the fan.
How do you know the club wasn’t reported? It’s not like the board reveal all their workings to the public on a regular basis.
Agree, really easy to clear up, the Club can’t from a legal standpoint show them as it is private, but DS could.
Everyone appears to have decided for themselves what Stendel believes to be the main point of our statement and are claiming he hasn't denied it. Stendel has just been trying to secure himself another job. Paul Conway gave interviews to the press claiming that should he take that position then his new employer would owe Barnsley FC compensation. Press reports suggested this was proving a stumbling block in the recruitment process. If I were trying to secure a new job and my previous employers were suggesting they were due compensation if I took it, when, from my point of view, I'd actually been sacked, this would be the issue I'd want to address. Both Hearts and Stendel have addressed that emphatically. Just because you believe a single issue in a complex situation is the one that requires discourse doesn't mean those it is actually effecting do.
I can’t recall if he said they never reported straight away or not TBH, but I do believe he said they were in talks with that club over it but wouldn’t name whilst that is going on. I don’t recall him giving a timeframe over the initiation.
Yup. He goes on about being passionate and honest, but doesn’t actually refute or challenge the main accusation...... It’s true in my eyes. He was naive to do it and wrong. He clearly had enough and wanted out. So his dismissal should be no surprise to him. The club then shifted into business mode and put him on garden leave. Which, as I’ve said before, is quite astute (nb. Stendel doesn’t deny this either). I’ll still remember him for last season and the great time we had. I wish him well going forward. But we move on..... In Struber We Trust.