God, you're just not getting it are you. It wasn't racist. You've made it racist. You've associated monkeys with black people. There is no association. It's in your stupid ******* head.
To be honest mate, that's when I knew too. But I can't say as I was all that aware of her before the wedding.
Because monkeys have absolutely nothing to do with black people, it's you that are associating the two.
I think naivety is a bit generous, it's ignorance. It's the type of white privilege that necessitates the ongoing campaign by anti-racism groups and BAME athletes, we need to target these people who are appallingly ignorant of the realities that minority athletes have to endure. It's all about education. The more people who go "I dunno anyfink about racism me, mate", the more people are going to stand by and let it happen.
This is such ******* nonsense. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's you that associated a monkey with a black person. There is no connection. A black person is exactly the same as a white person. They are no more associated with a monkey than I am. So when I see a picture of a monkey I don't think 'black person', it just doesn't register. Apparently it does with you. About three years ago I was on the bus home with my wife. A guy came up to me in complete awe: "It's you, ******* hell, it's really you." About 25 years earlier he'd seen me standing up at a football match calling out a bunch of wnakers making racist chants. Apparently I'm his hero. I can't remember the particular occasion, but I know I did it a lot. As did many. But nothing compared to the black players and black supporters who just refused to accept it. And they won. In this country they won. Thank ****. Saved me having to get in a fight every ******* week. And they've won for that long that it no longer holds any association for me at all. A black person isn't a monkey. It never even registers with me that they could possibly be. Never did. I played a very tiny part in stopping it. Now it's time for you to let it go. FFS
I mean, the very notion that we have "won" against racism in this country is staggeringly ignorant. You really need to check your privilege and do more to understand the realities. Just because you shouted at a racist 25 years ago, you think it's all fine now. Shocking ignorance, really.
Yes yes. I know it's upsetting because you like to think you're part of the solution because of what you did 25 years ago. But to be so ignorant of the reality is to make you part of the problem now. Educate yourself.
How cute. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-48093032 From Monday. If you think it's no longer a problem you're ignorant. Fact.
A Spurs fan threw a banana at Aubameyang at a Premier League match earlier this season. I don't associate black people with monkeys. Others still do, though, clearly.
Why have I wasted energy that I could have put to good use on engaging with a... Anyway. The thing is, this is set in stone, it's there for all to see, anyone with any intelligence will think I'm an idiot for reacting to you, but most people know I'm a stupid hot head anyway, which I am, but they'll also see you just don't understand what you're talking about. That you don't get it. That you're trying to be intellectual but you can't even grasp the concept.
Should we pander to that neanderthal or live in a world where most people don't associate black people with monkeys? Shouldn't we castigate him, rather than Danny Baker? He's wrong, he's a minority, the rest of us are supposed to be above that aren't we, and when we see a monkey, we see a monkey, not a black person. If you see a black person, what differs you from the person who threw the banana?
So in summary, makes an ignorant statement: Confronted with evidence to the contrary. Resorts to threats of violence. Resents being called ignorant. Truly outstanding. You really are shameful.
I'm old enough to not give a **** about hitting stupid people. I genuinely think they should be hit regularly. I really do.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-48093032 Monkey chants aimed at children. But no, they're not in the UK any more, apparently.
I don't know how old you are, but I'm old enough to have heard all sides of Oakwell make monkey chants in unison at great volume. It embarrasses me, but it happened. I can't say I've heard a single monkey chant at Oakwell since we played Arsenal in the late 1990s. Does it still happen in isolated incidents? Yes, and it's disgusting. Is it still part of the norm? Absolutely not. The people of this country decided not to accept it. Am I being ignorant by noticing this trend? Of course I'm not. Does racism still exist? Yes, of course it does. Does that mean we all associate monkeys with black people? No, we don't. We've moved on. If you still do, that is your problem, not one of society. You want to come on here and call me ignorant, then you'll get exactly the same reaction as you would if you said the same to me in the pub. But, you wouldn't do that in the pub. You want to actually put forward an opinion, then go for it, without being a condescending arsehole, and I'll talk to you. But don't make out you're winning an argument when you're not actually understanding it. To call me ignorant and prejudice is ******* ludicrous. I'm a lot of things, but on this you've really no idea what you're talking about and scoring points off me in such a manner is cowardly and just sh*t. And I back my reaction 100%. If you want to do what you did, **** you.
I can only do what I can do: not associate black people with monkeys. I am aware that others - like my dad - make that association. There's no point talking to him because Nigel Farage is his 'ero, and send 'em all home because Nigel says they're all coming over here and taking our jobs. To pretend that I am unaware that other people make the association is ludicrous. I live in Sheffield, where lots of people think Chris Wilder is amazing. I don't see it but to pretend I am unaware of that opinion is ridiculous.
I didn't call you prejudiced, now you're making things up. But you are incredibly ignorant, and you've made your ignorance clear throughout this thread. You're ignorant of the realities that BAME footballers face. You're ignorant in your claim that the fight against racism was "won". Being aware of these realities doesn't mean that you associate black people with monkeys, it means you listen and you acknowledge the experiences that BAME footballers describe, and take it in to try to be better. You don't dismiss it because you shouted at a racist a quarter of a century ago. That's white privilege, and it's ignorant in the extreme. At this point I think I'm done. Perhaps you'll learn.