Also where is our million pound striker. His backside must be numb. It is not rocket science we as a team cannot score but we have a million pound striker sat in stands week after week not even on bench and if he is so injured, why the hell did we buy him
Bump. Dear Khaled, This question isn't going away until it's been answered satisfactorily. The £750,000 removed from the club's finances broadly equates to 2,500 adult season tickets. Please explain why supporters' funding of this magnitude has been used, not for the benefit of the club, but to pay the owners debts.
Its the one about the Directors Box that really gets me. Theres no where else to go that meets EFL requirements? Then what happens when they really do have to close it, to pull it down or refurbish it? And how many people were in the video gantry on Setdi? It was rammed!
But, this isn't a question for Khaled to answer. All he can do is be the messenger for any response he gets from Conway on the subject. Also, he seems to have been pushed on the subject far more than Dane Murphy was when the accounts were published, and more than Conway was pushed on the subject in the summer. Was it something about the only place the EFL requirements allowed was the East Stand boxes, which would mean moving more fans, which I'm guessing he meant they would lose hospitality income. Not the best look to be willing to shift the West Stand season ticket holders, but protect your hospitality income. I'm guessing the media area is the reason the West Stand was never rebuilt. Where can we put the press, if we knocked the West stand down?
Khaled is CEO of Barnsley FC. The £750k has been removed from the accounts of Barnsley FC. Any CEO worth his salt would understand exactly what's happened, particularly after being questioned about it at two successive Q&A sessions.
I'm sure he will understand what has happened, it's not a difficult thing to comprehend in the scheme of things. They just don't want to admit to what they've done and why.
We'll see what comes from the next Q&A, or media interviews that he does. But suspect it will just be a response that he gets from the owners to forward on. It's the owners that should be grilled on this. More relevant question for Khaled is whether there's any agreements made that is likely to lead to more money being taken out on his watch, and what his view is of it. Still think the bulk of questions to the CEO should be about the West Stand. That's on him.
Suspect we all know what's happened. Didn't the accounts show a loan from BFC to the investment group to pay the Crynes, which was then subsequently written off? Big question is why.
I'm not blaming Khaled for the £750k, but he is CEO and needs to step up. He has two huge fronts where firefighting is needed - the £750k and the West Stand. Both of these issues could impact negatively on season ticket sales next year. It's not either/or. He can get to grips with both issues if he rolls his sleeves up.
The accounts disclose what has occurred and the value. Like you touched on, I think it's important to understand if any further money has been taken from BFC by the owners since that disclosure in the accounts (though given cash reserves, they probably don't have the ability to do that until we have a sales spree).
Tonight marks one week since he resolved at the Q&A to investigate this matter further and come back with a full response, based on the feedback he received to reading out Conway's text message. That, to me, is sufficient time for him to gather together the basic facts (most of which are available from reading the company's published accounts) and to speak to all those with an potential input/opinion on the matter. As CEO, he's also presumably the new line manager that Rob Zuk reports into as Finance & Operations Director and, in KEA's position, the obvious start point would be to get a summary of the situation directly from him, as someone who was involved in the transaction, was the key contact during the audit process and was the person who ultimately signed those accounts on behalf of the company. I'd perhaps allow him until the end of this week as a reasonable amount of time to investigate and prepare a response. The timescale and, ultimately, the transparency of the response will be the basis on which I'll assess the CEO. For now, he has the benefit of the doubt, based on the feedback of those who attended the meeting and asked him these questions directly, but he would be wise not to delay responding on this indefinitely.
All fair. Still doesn't feel right that Conway gets to hide behind one of his employees on an issue directly relating to the ownership group. But once KEA has said he'll do something, there should be the follow up, that much is true.
Conway has attempted to respond on this several times, and every one of them has been proven to be demonstrably incorrect, based on the contradictions to the factual account provided in BFC's published accounts. He also made the statement regarding not taking a penny out of the club some time after this payment was made, which is again easily provable. I'd much rather get a response from someone other than Conway which has a chance of being accurate and truthful, rather than yet another attempt by Conway to gaslight the situation away.
Whether it’s Khaled or Conway, neither is going to come out and state that the ‘billionaire owners used the club’s money to pony up for a chunk of the deferred purchase amount’. If Khaled did state that he would certainly be transparent but also, more than likely, looking for new employment. More likely hoping that this issue will get forgotten about over time and results on the field will improve. Accounts to end May 2021 are due end February, I wonder if this was a one off or one in a series....Now maybe that is the question Khaled should be answering?
Personally I don’t think 2 weeks is any length of time at all and I’d hope other issues at the Club are prioritised over this. That said, he made a commitment which he should honour and there is no reason for him not to come out with an update, even if it’s ‘not forgotten, concentrating on new appointment etc, will update by xxx date’.
That would be two weeks after he was asked the question for at least a third time, having previously used the 'not aware of this' in the initial interviews. As an aside, I'm not aware that the number of West Stand season ticket refunds has been confirmed yet, as was also committed to in one of the meetings.
Still think the bulk of questions to the CEO should be about the West Stand. That's on him.[/QUOTE] I'm not so sure it's entirely on him.