But these pointless comparisons do nothing, other than undermine a group of incredibly talented people.
Made me laugh out loud that did. My other half asks what I’m laughing at. How do I even start to explain all this shizzle to a Wednesday fan?!
Look how much **** he stirs up yet again. Its a non-argument. In my opinion he has serios issues over women,male atheletes over the age of 22 and foreign folk playing football for Barnsley.
I don’t think they should be compared but when the USA captain herself said that woman should be paid the same as male footballers- well that kind of invites comparisons doesn’t it? Best to enjoy it separately if you want, but let’s not pretend it’s comparable to the mens game, because it just isn’t.
i think a mate of mine hit the nail on the head re womens football, he said " its a lot slower and less intense than the mens game so its good to watch for picking up formations and systems"
Agreed. And what about that charlatan Naoya Inoue. Folk reckon he's world class but Tyson Fury would knock him art in 20 seconds. If that!
Are they asking for the same appearnce fee for the national team though? That seems reasonable especially as an international call up ought to be a fairly nominal fee anyway. Parity in terms of day to day wages is ridiculous as the women's game is nowhere near as good nor does it generate the revenues of the men's game.
I'd like to see parity of pay in the men's a women's game. But I wouldn't be raising women's wages...
Ridiculous yes if women were to ask for the over inflated salaries that the top men get (even the bang average men). But Beth Meade for example has done more this week to promote Junior Football/ Womens Football / Football in general than someone like Alex Kiwomya has in his entire career. The argument about crowds who watch the game is wearing thin now. The role of a football club in its community is far more than just crowds. Women should be compensated in terms of their role within that community - especially when male players who never even make it are earning more.
I definitely don't think any player or team of players male or female should be paid more than their team can afford or generate in revenue. If Chelsea Women generate enough to pay their players 100k per week then fair enough though we then have women in the same ball park as men who are on ridiculously obscene wages. I take your point about the relative merits of Meade v Kiwomya but that then becomes a very grey area in terms of judging their value. Going back to Chelsea as an example you could say John Terry was worth £200k a week but someone else could say that their contribution to the game was so negative in terms of bad publicity, bad role model they'd struggle to make the living wage. Same goes for Barton etc.
Do the Women give up payments to a charity as the men do, Fired? Also do Nike BT Budwiseier Mcdonalds LG Spend money to buy time with John Stones or Beth England? Of course, the crowds are an indicator to sports popularity and the popularity of those players.
Of course they are involved with charities, what is your point? Yes they get sponsorship, again what is your point? And obviously crowds are an indicator - my point is that the role of football club goes beyond just that of entertaining a crowd once or twice a week. Look at Man Utd. Nowhere near the top end of Women’s football for decades - then the penny dropped that a significant % of their support is female and that they as a club have an obligation to women as well as men. Womens football is here to stay. Still recovering from decades of inequality sexism and bigotry, but thankfully alot of people recognise its role beyond just keeping a load of misogynists amused.