She shouldn't have to do anything. It shouldn't be her problem, it's the vermin abusing a young woman who have the problem. She's already deleted a load of pictures by all accounts, she shouldn't have to do that. We shouldn't be normalising abhorrent behaviour simply because there's some people who are like that.
It will. It's changed everywhere else in society. Football fandom just remains in the dark ages and attracts the worst sort of lovely person
Im not sure in the context of the initial OP that this is an appropriate response. Unless I am reading your reply wrongly, which I hope I am
They seem really suited too. Childhood sweet hearts like Kane and his wife, so she was with him long before he was rolling in it. I am surprised Chelsea have been so quiet about the incident and that the MSM have been able to out them yet.
There are folk on this forum that like to call us tubbers lovely person & BACKSTUDS. I learnt something recently though, what other people think of you is none of your business. I am what I am & I'm happy with that