The immunity has been proven to not last that long. You would have to re-infected. The problem with that is viruses have different strains and the different dose could be more damaging second time around.
For me making it a binary issue between public health and the economy is completely wrong. The 2 are interlinked. Sone good arguments here For lockdowns I’m in favour of 3 week circuit break national ones but very strict and then moving back to as normal as possible life. The public would need to understand that this wasn’t a cure and would probably need to be repeated intermittently. Of course for it to work it needs funding. Oh and all unis should close and the students be sent home to self isolate for 2 weeks then move to distance learning. Local lockdowns seem pointless to me and slowly strangle the economy whole not tackling the problem.
Absolutely spot on, aside from the whole reduction of NHS services not relating to COVID and depression that has spawned from lockdown, at the most economic basic level how can you expect to pay for a decent NHS at the same time having an enormous reduction in tax receipts?
I suspect that there is/was more danger of people taking the virus to Skeggy or wherever than bringing it back with them.
The other problem with this virus is whichever route you go down there's no answer to the question,really all that's happening is protecting the NHS till a vaccine is produced (if poss ) think we are more geared up for this time as more things are in place. The world is in a mess. You could also debate where it's come from China are allegedly thriving now food forvthought. UP THE REDs 3 points may be round the corner
Probably true. The arcades and pubs were heaving. It's the most uncomfortable I've felt this year. Me and Laura were sticking to wearing masks and wearing masks to the bar and remaining seated but others weren't. Then there is George who obviously couldn't wear a mask. He could have got it asymptotically and passed it on to me and Laura and other people. That was the same for most families though.
I have to admit that I'm unsure. Medically, on the one hand there is plenty of evidence that it's a nasty disease for some people - not necessarily old or with pre-existing conditions, on the other hand there's a similar body of evidence that deaths from other conditions such as heart disease and cancers have risen because of fear of seeking a diagnosis etc. Economically, on the one hand we are seeing massive job losses and companies going out of business, on the other hand it seems that Thatcher (and almost all PMs) have lied to us, there is a magic money tree....
You can have all the vaccines in the world it won't cure society. If people weren't as selfish this virus wouldn't have spread.
Not sure how you work that out - you are infectious for around 3 days before you show any symptoms and in some cases symptoms never appear The main causes of spread are in old peoples homes mostly started by discharge of people from hospital Schools Colleges and Universities and by people at work. There is no doubt some people are selfish and irresponsible and that doesnt help but even if we all did exactly as we are told by the government it would still spread in the places I listed above - it wouldnt just disappear
don’t be that guy, China is thriving because they’ve returned to their pre COVID growth, that’s because they dealt with COVID properly unlike everywhere else. Why? Because they are a totalitarian state and the people did as they were told out of fear. They all locked down, they all wore masks and the gov did horrible things to make sure it didn’t spread.