Ahh the 70's - reading your book by candlelight, inflation at 20pct and an IMF bailout - good times -
Compared with some of the disorder at football matches in the 70’s Sundays game was a picnic, it shouldn’t have happened and individuals should take responsibility for their own behaviour but you can’t dismiss the failings in the organisation or Policing of the event , a few tried and tested measures in crowd and ticket control would have stopped the situation before it happened.
In response: - A lifetime ban is a deterrent because they're likely, although not guaranteed, to go and watch their club side play or the national side. Lack of tickets, the occasion, and demand led to them thinking they could get in the ground knowing 20,000+ seats were spare. That also doesn't have to be the only punishment. - Why don't the police need to manage the area? Why did they let over 20,000 people without tickets for a game congregate on one street outside the stadium with zero thought in to where they would dispose of rubbish, how drunk they would get, what they would do for bathrooms, etc. - The right actions to avoid scenes like this would to have done something, almost anything, to not allow 20,000 ticketless fans to congregate on Wembley Way. Messages could have been put out before Sunday that only fans with tickets would be allowed to come out of the tube station. They could have also given more support to the unfortunate stewards that had to work the Covid Test barrier and the ticket activation barrier as it was a weak setup - Alternatively, accept that it's going to happen and they're going to turn up and setup accordingly. Bring in bins, urinals, additional stewards and security presence, more police, etc. Create a walkway down the right hand side of Wembley Way to allow families to walk up and down freely. Then add the additional security measures at all the barriers - Police attend events all the time without having to act on anything. Just by their sheer presence can remind people they need to behave. There was no presence here and a crowd of 20,000 people - No use of sniffer dogs anywhere. That alone would have made a few people throw 'bags' over the wall or turn around and jump back on the tube Appreciate the challenges but confused as to where they are coming from. Are you saying the police shouldn't manage an area because the people there are going to break the rules anyway? Or that the people don't care about the punishments so break the rules anyway? Bottom line is, enhanced security measures, enhanced police presence, and better management of the event would have stopped the majority of what we saw on Sunday.
they come because I always respect that you have firm positions on your statements. Often fixed. That’s not a criticism by the way. As such I wondered what the logic in some of your comments were. I wasn’t disagreeing with it and in fact some parts I see your points. Don’t assume my challenge means I disagree or I have an alternative proposal. Some parts didn’t make sense so I questioned it to understand more. The bit you didn’t answer is why locking people up wouldn’t help. I want to try to understand what you mean as you also state a higher police presence dogs etc would have helped. Why is that? I would have thought the police as a deterrent had greater powers of arrest and the possibility a charge could serve time. Also isn’t a lifetime football ban already available for these breeches so what’s new there? …To add, we had the flagship venue that’s hosted events with many more people, with a police service classed as one of the best in the world, at an event also carried out many times in other countries, with many months of planning…. And they got it wrong? If so we shouldn’t be allowed events like this for many years.
Didn't take anything as a criticism and I don't mind if you're disagreeing with me. I just wasn't clear what angle you were coming from so was asking for more context or to confirm if I'd understood you right. I don't think I said locking people up wouldn't help? I'd lock a whole host of them up, but you're mainly looking at the ones who stormed the stadium and broke barriers. The others, whilst it was awful, just sang, set off flares, and drank all afternoon. It wasn't nice, it was intimidating, but I'm not sure they actually broke the law as such. The police presence was needed to deter that environment from being created, as without that environment, you don't get what happened afterwards with breaking in to the stadium.
I know it’s an opinion but the Met Police under the current Commander have proved themselves to be less than competent in recent months in dealing with crowd control , and assessments of situations have been nothing short of incompetent.The planning for the event ,to be fair ,was hampered by not knowing how many fans would be let into the stadium and that seemed to change from day to day at one point . The pictures that I saw seemed to indicate , not an organised mass breach of the stadium security but an opportunist situation with some thugs realising that the security was thin at one part of the stadium, pulling down the barriers then others in the vicinity piling through , there must have been little security actually in the stadium concourses
Don’t forget kids being bûmmed by celebrities while the establishment and BBC turned a blind eye. Halcyon days indeed.
maybe if his parents had taught him that other people have the right to air an opinion without being told its rose tinted b0ll0x ?
I don't think anyone is saying you're not entitled to an opinion- doesn't mean someone isn't going to disagree with it though and say its daft. I'm sure if I said Ronnie Glavin (before my time) was the worst player ever, people would say that was ******** too. I have no reason to think that, im sure he was as good as people say!
i dont mind people disagreeing with my opinion but when its with abuse thats not really on, all i was doing was telling a tale that happened to me in the 60's and the resulting thoughts on the farmers apples. i didnt fetch the op's parents into it but that poster seems to look for on posters hound/troll/bully, not t.m. ( sunlighter, shed 131 very recently and these fellow bfc supporters have felt the need to leave this forum)
If that's aimed at me that's ********. I haven't hounded or bullied either of those posters and resent the accusation. I called out the fact that shed131 was sharing misinformation, and I deliberately stayed out of the Sunlighter thread to avoid piling on.