The only issue is what use are the rules if the EFL change them to suit different circumstances, obviously clubs going bust is not in the interests of the EFL but if they keep bending over backwards to avoid taking the action that the rules dictate then they are setting precedents that will in future issues cover all clubs and therefore negate the purpose of them (EFL) existing at all...
If we hated every club that's ever relegated us, we'd hate just about everybody. And more often than not, we've relegated ourselves by not performing to a high enough standard. I hate Barnsley. They always relegate us.
It's the taking pleasure in relegating us, not the relegating us, per se. Whatever misfortunes befall them: good. I'll enjoy them immensely.
I don't wholly disagree with you. I'm happy to see misfortunes befall them. They're a bunch of cheats and the EFL should be taking tougher action against clubs that break the rules. But let's not kid ourselves. I'm sure there were a minority of our fans who were all over social media dishing out all kinds of **** when Wigan and Portsmouth went down instead of us. All clubs have their idiots. I can't hate Derby for the actions of a minority. I don't want them to fold. I just want to see them punished properly when their actions warrant it.