The Daily Heil reports
As I read it, they will have the suspended 3 points applied next season. Dangerous precedent that clubs can negotiate how penalties are applied. Wigan would have stayed up with a similar decision.
I suppose it saves the time, money and energy of a full blown hearing. A bit like pleading guilty knowing this will be taken into account at sentencing.
Time to toughen up the rules. Immediate 12 points deduction. Clubs are free to appeal, but if they do so and lose the appeal, they get kicked out of the league. I've no time for cheats.
From their point of view they’d sooner have the punishment now rather than April or may when they might not have time to recover, from the EFL’s pov they want to get it sorted without any more costly legal battle. Yes the three points suspended for a year thing is a little bizarre - but at least all the league will know what is required well enough in advance. And the outstanding three points will likely be applied at some point - I can’t see their revised accounts clearing them of further issues.
I hope Wayne is in charge of the 'agreement' talks. WR "so what's our erm erm points thing then ?' EFL "WRDC are looking at a 9 point deduction for breaking FFP rules" WR "Erm ........ well that's well good. We thought we'd get at least double that and lose 12 points..... can we strike a deal sponsored by Bet395?" EFL "YES Wayne. We''ll agree on 15 points then!" WR "Erm. ...... erm. ....... that's brilliant I'll tell Mel. ....... erm!"
Doesn't sound like this is immediate...
No they wouldn't, they went into administration not breaching ffp, administration carries a 12 points automatic penalty
Think you missed my point. I was saying if Wigan had been allowed to negotiate and have points deferred they would have stayed up.
I know what you are saying but what I was pointing out is that you cannot negotiate when you have gone into administration
Except Wigan's was completely different. Administration is an automatic 12 point penalty, which the club can appeal, but only on the grounds of force majeure. P&S charges are brought by the EFL, and the punishment is determined by the independant disciplinary panel. First I've seen, but apparently the EFL try to reach an agreement with the club, almost like leniency for a guilty plea, which avoids the time and money taken by going to the panel. Different punishments for different crimes.
I know that, I was using it as an example that once you start to negotiate where can it lead. For example what would have happened if they had agreed to a 9 point immediate and 3 the next season? It’s still a 12 point deduction
But the regulations specifically state what the penalty is, and when it will be applied, depending on circumstances (whether they would've been relegated anyway). Once you're in administration, it's 12 points, subject to appeal. The other charges aren't so black and white in the regulations, the EFL issue a charge, and put forward a punishment. The club can choose to argue their case and have their day in court.
I’m not disputing the rules as they are now, I was saying in a situation like the other season(ignore the offence, pretend it was something else if you like), if it was negotiated 9+3 we would have gone down.
But what I'm saying is that the regulations would have to be rewritten to allow that to happen for an insolvency event. Two other points as well, if they had negotiated it early, everybody would've known where they stood in terms of points needed. We might have gone down we might not have done. Brentford might've gone up. Anything could've happened, can't just assume that all results would've been the same. Also, the appeal panel had the option to reduce the penalty if they saw fit. But the EFL opposed that at the time, so unlikely to have happened.
If you're going to start condescending, at least get the quote function right You said it was a dangerous precedent. But it's not a precedent, it's standard for P&S charges for the EFL to put a punishment forward, but they are generally contested by a club and taken to a commission. You then gave a completely irrelevant example. This wasn't a negotiation, the EFL haven't tried to impose a 12 point penalty. They're trying to impose a 9 point immediate penalty, plus 3 points suspended. They've not been negotiated down from 12 points.