I wasn’t trying to get condescending at all, you clearly hadn’t either read or understood my explanation, so I tried to simplify an example for you. It doesn’t appear that I have succeeded in explaining it, so as I said I give up.
To be fair, when have regulations ever mattered when it comes to the EFL and punishment. A scenario is quite possible where one of these so called big clubs decide, they don't like the regulations and decide they will try an negotiate as leythtyke suggested. Money talks, regardless of if it's supposedly set in stone.
Ok - On your explanation. I agree that trying to negotiate an amount of points to deduct, when the season totals are known would be wrong, and needs to be avoided. But, I don't think this particular case is setting a precedent, as you suggested in your original post.
I don’t understand why this is a negotiation? Derby broke the rules & should be suitably punished. No need to reach an agreement on nowt. Go easy & we promise not to do it again?
So if someone committed a capital crime and should have got life, they can agree to do less? Shows what an absolute blazer wearing, jumpers for goalposts bunch of cretins the EFL are.
This points deduction malarkey is all wrong. As Rooney has apparently said, they are confident they will stay up even if deducted nine points. So, in other words, there would be no punishment at all. Why should these people be allowed to get off almost scot free? Even Wigan will not have suffered that much will they? It would be unprecedented but I believe that Derby, and any other clubs who do the same, should be expelled from the league with immediate effect. Let them climb back up from the North Derbyshire Alliance league, or whichever league might take them. Any results against them this season would be struck from the record and the league would stay at 23 clubs this season with an extra one coming up next season from the leagues below to redress the balance. It will never happen of course but until proper punishments like that are imposed they will just keep on doing it. There must be at least another half dozen clubs in the same position - maybe more. Why are those that follow the rules (like Barnsley FC) treated the same as the cheats?