For a start this post I have not posted reported this so gonna see what's what cos a few stuff as come up I ain't posted now
Why do some grown ups like to play the victim instead of just admitting they're wrong? You're wrong - other people got into trouble too. You're wrong - it's not just you. You're wrong to sing songs including racial stereotypes. Now grab a beer - revel in the guys obvious football talent and stop bleating about life being unfair.
I've posted on here recently that I feel pc has, in certain instances, gone too far. That it sometimes works against it's own agenda. Accusations of racism can be thrown around far too freely in order to win the high ground when the actual basis of the accusations are tenuous. However, I just don't get how people can't understand the issues here. Are our fans trying to abuse Diaby? Of course not. Are they drawing on and reinforcing a racial stereotype? Yes. The reinforcement of racial stereotypes, whatever the motive, gives ammunition to the hard core racists who want to portray others as actually being different. Once they've done that, creating the us and them, it's far, far easier to fire up the calls for discrimination, persecution, exploitation. It's a song. It's the obvious song for Bambo. Just grow up and change the f**ing stupid lyrics.