Don't remember ever being searched at Oakwell but have been at plenty away games. Preston are always extra thorough.
Seriously maybe people who have been watching Barnsley for more than x years should wear a badge saying the are exempt from being searched ffs
Didnt realise they did body searches at Oakwell. Been going 60 years and never had a search at Oakwell even when I've had a carrier bag with a flask and snap in. Had it done at airports and gigs with no qualms though. Dont see what the fuss is about
I got searched today, it made me feel better. At Charlton last week just about everybody got searched, but I just got waved through, probably because I looked like a harmless boring old fart. It felt good to be seen as a threat again today
The woman in front of me had her bag searched by a female steward going into the Ponty End. She simply smiled and waved me through when it was my turn. Obviously I don't look anything like a threat, either.
On the way down, my old man commented that he looked like he was wearing a suicide vest, what with having a flask and two bottles of pop. I said it'd be worrying if he wasn't searched. Straight past the stewards, not a blink. Jobsworths.
Seems like a bizarre overreaction this. "Hands touching my body" ... wtf? It's not like they finger you ffs. Are you saving yourself for marriage?
Whilst I usually am anti-snowflake, one can imagine giving Jonny Sex Starved the opportunity to grab a piece of what he might not otherwise be privy to.
Plenty of other stuff to fume at instead. The away shirt advert in the programme referred to it still as our new away kit with less than half the season remaining. The mascot page had one favourite player as 2-2 and score prediction as Cauley Woodrow. Two people serving at catering leading to big queues. Sold out of burgers and hot dogs before half time. Radiator in the gents not on even though it's winter