This is the same message stuck on posters which go up all over Manchester every time Liverpool play either City or United.
The guys a scumbag, but it always gives me pause for thought seeing someone put in a police van for something they’re wearing/saying. Because causing offence shouldn’t be illegal imho.
There is no right to free speech in the UK. The Americans have it in their constitution as the first amendment, we don't.
I'm with you. I don't like what's on his T-shirt but I don't want people arrested for slogans on T-shirts (or jokes, or Tweets or whatever).
I agree , but wouldn’t have been averse to them chucking his shirt in a bin , setting fire to it and sending him on his way. Otherwise total waste of police man power.
The article you've linked to clearly states that it is subject to "conditions, restrictions, or penalties", and is nothing like the absolute protection the First Amendment affords. This guy won't be able to use the legislation you have linked as a defence for his actions because of those caveats.
Tee Hee... "Die Hard with a vengeance (3) springs to mind... A vengeful Jeremy Irons - playing the brother of the character played by Alan Rickman in Die Hard, whilst in the process of robbing the National Federal Reserve bank in New York uses a decoy and sets off a bomb and plants another in an unknown school that he will trigger unless Bruce Willis' character who killed Rickman's character carries out certain tasks ordered to do so by Irons. The first task is to be dropped off in the center of Harlem 'gang central' , butt naked except for a sandwich board with the Words 'I hate N***ers'. emblazoned front and back. Since it is a film he does survive that but good luck with that in the real world !!
The article I've linked to is Article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1988 which brought into UK law the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights. It has been used as a defence many times in the past and it will continue to be used many times in future and if this bloke is prosecuted and chooses to plead not guilty, his defence lawyer will be using it as part of his defence.
C ock, just that, lets be honest, if i'd av seen him i'd av probably thats not appropiate, someone might av but i cant believe he wore it all day wiart being approached by real fans, unfoookinbelievable
Do me a favour and stick me on ignore, we've had numerous of these conversations where you're confidently incorrect and I can't be arsed with any more. The article you yourself linked clearly states it is "subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary [...] in the interests of [...] the prevention of disorder or crime". I'll be reciprocating, cheers.
Very unpleasant. And no surprise to learn that he is a complete git outside of football as well. The thing that’s in my head is who did the printing?? And why would you stoop that low just to earn a few quid?!? I suppose it’s possible ignorance played a role? My mate sent it me yesterday and I had to think about it for a few seconds so I guess it could have slipped through a net. But pretty poor stuff. Although the bin dippers might want to think about this the next time they do their aeroplane impressions and their ‘Munich’ song. All tragedy songs and pisstakes should create this much outrage until they become a thing of the past.
The printing could be done at home. My Mrs has a machine that can cut the vinyl stickers that go on the back of shirts. Alternatively all it takes is someone on minimum wage, zero hour contract in a Mike Ashley store to not get the significance. Both clubs have appealed to their fans to stop the tragedy taunts, it would be nice to think that at some point they might listen.
Is that true, that both sets of Mancs put posters like that up for Liverpool ?. What has happened to 'friendly' banter between fans, or did that ever really happen, and is that naive to expect it these days. If we wore shirts saying Sheff Wensdy are foul pigs, or Sheff Ure are a set of Blunts... could that be classed as offensive and could/should you get arrested for doing it.
Every football club has their fair share of knuckledraggers, we av em, and i doubt they'll change, its always some fukwit bigging himself up, either drug or alcohol related, i agree it would be nice to change, but its not gunner happen, we've had dikheds at Bridlington, thats as low down as the 10th tier.
Reports from France of a young lad (and his family) with brain cancer supporting Marseille being attacked, having his shirt ripped from his body and burned by Ajaccio fans. Why does football seem to attract more scum than other sports?
Bottom line, has the guy done anything illegal? Is he a nasty piece of work? Is he deluded? Has he got 'issues' I dont know the answer to any of these. Should be criticised even by his friends for the t-shirt but Id leave it at that. There's a war in Ukraine and other issues that are more pressing than a guy with some dodgy words on a piece of clothing
That last point makes absolutely no sense to me. The fact that there is a war in Ukraine doesn't mean we should ignore things.