Has anyone just thought that the town is more busier with students workers visitors etc? The whole country has 2 rush hours……..either use public transport, leave earlier or later or buy some new CD’s and chill the **** out
Oil companies really don't like public transport because reliable and usable PT hits their profits. There are an awful lot of lobbyists for oil companies operating in Westminster.
I concur, Mr Skinner. We got it (paid for version) last week. Only thing is, Lady Kaht and missen have increased our whiskey consumption considerably sat listening to our favourite tracks! It's better than keying up the music on YouTube - less distraction and you can still 'ev a natter!
I came up Dod'eth Road at 6.45 en route back to Poggy this morning and fair sailed through. Very quiet. Meanwhile, the mystery of what the bridge will be called has been resolved as two large signage boards have been erected (down, Mr Dawson!) at the Poggy and Dod'eth Road ends. I can exclusively reveal that the bridge is to imaginatively be titled "A628 Penny Pie Park Footbridge"!
Completely agree Sir. beats listening on YouTube and reliving ya youth through tunes yve fgot is brill..had This Town ain't big enough for both of us by Sparks on and just lost mi sh*t... Lol....even makes Birdwell roundabout bearable
Quite often mate from poggy or tarn end but not at rush hrs. And during the periods I do use it. It is much better than before penny pie was altered.